Posted by kapil Mehta
Mar 1, 2023

Hormones play an essential role in our well-being. Different hormones play different roles. Sex hormones are crucial for our overall health. In men, this hormone is referred to as testosterone. With age, the production of testosterone begins to decrease. This impacts physical and psychological well-being. Often men don’t realise that until it’s too late because the symptoms suddenly appear. At times, people tend to put this to the lifestyle they are leading. The best way to deal with it is by undergoing TRT Therapy Toronto. It is a unique treatment for men’s wellness and aesthetic concerns.

What are the signs of low testosterone? 

The production of testosterone starts decreasing as they enter their late 20s or 30s. It is about a 1% to 2% decrease every year. Due to this, the symptoms don’t become easily noticeable at the get-go. When there is a substantial drop you might notice a low libido, insomnia, brittle bones, reduced facial hair, muscle loss, unexplained weight gain, reduced spontaneous erections and muscle loss. Other symptoms also include brain fog, fatigue that doesn’t go away by sleeping, reduced sex drive, hot flashes, sleep disorder, generalised weakness, depression and increase body fat that is difficult to lose. If experiencing these symptoms, it is time to visit a men’s health specialist.

Are you a good candidate for TRT?

To find out whether you are an ideal candidate for TRT, you need to book a consultation with a men’s health specialist. They will discuss your health concerns and run blood tests to check your testosterone levels. If suffering from Low T, the doctor will provide you with a customized treatment plan. One can only find out if they qualify for the treatment by undergoing a consultation.

What happens during the TRT treatment?

After the consultation, the TRT is planned as per the lifestyle, requirements and anatomy of the patient. There are four main treatment options, and the doctor will discuss them with you. These include oral medication, topical creams, intramuscular injections and transdermal patches. You will be provided with instructions on how to use them. While undergoing the treatment, you will be carefully monitored. The system needs to be slowly and steadily recalibrated.

How long does it take to recalibrate the system?

TRT treatment lasts for about several months. You will begin to see the results very soon. Shortly after the treatment begins you will see an increase in vitality, energy and libido. You will see an improvement in sleep quality and clearer thought processes. With time, you will begin to see changes physically. The workouts will become more effective and you will be able to get the lean and strong physique you’ve been hoping for. While undergoing treatment, sexual relationships also begin to change for the better. Even though the procedure lasts several months, you will notice changes steadily. They can impact one’s confidence and help you get the required edge.

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