Trademark Registration Dubai | Ministry of Economy - UAE

Posted by Aaqil Faraj
Jul 9, 2024

Trademark Registration

When starting a business setup in Dubai, registering your trademark is crucial. A trademark is a symbol, name, logo, or slogan that identifies your brand. Registering your trademark with the Ministry of Economy (MoE) in the UAE gives you exclusive rights to use it, protecting your brand from being used by others. This step is essential for any business setup aiming for long-term success and brand recognition.

Services Fee

The cost of trademark registration in Dubai involves several fees:

  • Application Fee: The initial fee for submitting your trademark application.
  • Publication Fee: A fee for publishing your trademark in the official gazette.
  • Registration Fee: The final fee for completing the registration process. These fees vary, so it's important to check the latest rates on the Ministry of Economy's website or consult with a professional.

Conditions and Requirements

To register a trademark in Dubai, you must meet certain conditions and requirements:

  1. Distinctiveness: Your trademark must be unique and not similar to existing trademarks.
  2. Legality: The trademark must not include prohibited elements, such as offensive symbols or misleading terms.
  3. Commercial Use: The trademark should be intended for commercial use, representing goods or services in the market.

Required Documents

When applying for trademark registration, you need to prepare the following documents:

  1. Trademark Image: A clear image of the trademark you want to register (logo, word, or slogan).
  2. Power of Attorney: If you are using an agent, a notarized power of attorney is required.
  3. Commercial License: A copy of your business's commercial license.
  4. Owner Details: Information about the trademark owner, including name, address, and contact details.
  5. Goods and Services List: A detailed list of the goods or services the trademark will represent, categorized by class.

Steps and Procedures

Follow these steps to register your trademark in Dubai:

  1. Conduct a Trademark Search: Before applying, check if your desired trademark is available. This helps avoid conflicts with existing trademarks.
  2. Prepare Application: Fill out the trademark application form available on the Ministry of Economy's website. Ensure all required information and documents are included.
  3. Submit Application: Submit your application online through the Ministry of Economy's portal or in person at their office. Pay the application fee.
  4. Application Review: The Ministry will review your application to ensure it meets all requirements. This can take several weeks.
  5. Publication: If the application is approved, your trademark will be published in the official gazette. This allows others to oppose the registration if they believe it infringes on their trademark.
  6. Opposition Period: There is a 30-day period during which any opposition can be filed. If no opposition is filed, the process continues.
  7. Final Registration: After the opposition period, pay the registration fee. The Ministry will issue the trademark registration certificate, granting you exclusive rights to your trademark.

Bottom Line

Trademark registration in Dubai through the Ministry of Economy is a vital step in protecting your brand. By registering your trademark, you secure exclusive rights to your brand identity, helping to build trust and recognition in the market. The process involves several steps, including conducting a trademark search, preparing and submitting your application, and completing the publication and opposition period. With the right preparation and documentation, you can successfully register your trademark and safeguard your business's valuable assets.

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