Top methods to pass your drug test!

Posted by Tammy Martin
Dec 16, 2017

 Do you want to know how to get weed out of Your system in a week or less? If so, then you have come to the right place for detoxification. You can learn a bunch of methods for how to detox your body.

First things first…

You need to understand how THC, which is the psychoactive substance found in weed, is deposited in the body. THC is inhaled into the body and when it is taken in through the lungs it can stay there for more than several weeks. And it does this because it is deposited into the fat or adipose tissue of your body. And the more that you smoke the higher the concentration of THC is will be found in your adipose tissue. If you take some kind of substance for detox, you can get rid of THC in your body faster.

Method number 1: Exercise

Try to increase metabolism the days before the test. Physical activity can increase metabolism as much as 200%. Even a high-calorie diet increases metabolism by 10%. It is worth noting that a light diet reduces metabolism by 10%. In other words: exercise a lot, eat a lot.

Start the THC detox 1 week before the test, but it is important to stop burning fat on time. (otherwise, there will be a lot of the metabolites in your urine). Stop exercising 2 days before the test and start instead wiping you into fatty foods. The body will then put a "clean" fat layer over the old one, and the THC metabolites do not come out in the same amount as before. This method should be combined with Method 2.

Method 2: Fixing your urine

Because THC is stored in the fat, it is difficult to "remove" the metabolites. There are miracle products sold online, and claim to give negative test results. Do not buy them, it's just faked! There are often things to mix with several liters of water and therefore use the same method as explained below.

What one can do is change the urine's THC level. You drink a lot of water, and therefore piss more than usual, but then the secretion is still the same as before, resulting in fewer THC metabolites: liter of urine

You often get tips on drinking water several days before the test, this is unnecessary. According to most reputable sources, it is sufficient to start the day as the test. Drinking enough water is how to get weed out of your system in a week.

Method 3: Use someone else's urine

You may bring a container with a non-smoker's urine and pour it into the specimen cup. This is difficult because in 90% of the cases you will be supervised by an inspector who is watching when you piss. Even if you're standing with your back on the person, they may have mirrors to hide so you do not cheat. On the internet, you can order dried urine to be mixed on the test day. Keep in mind that the test should maintain the correct temperature!

These are a few methods that you can use if you want to pass your drug test. Just be sure to try them out if you do want to pass your drug test!



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