Top 5 Advantages of Using Custom Eco Friendly Lipstick Boxes

Posted by Caro l.
Aug 30, 2022

Eco-friendly packaging is the talk of the town these days.

In the wake of the global environmental crisis, there is growing international pressure to follow sustainable packaging practices.

More and more cosmetic brands are now moving towards using eco-friendly packaging materials.

In the same way, custom lipstick boxes are also being preferred to be made with eco-friendly materials.

In this blog article, we will share the big five benefits of using lipstick boxes packaging.

But, before we dive into the advantages, let’s explore what eco-friendly packaging is.

Points that Determine What Eco-friendly Packaging Is

  • The packaging should be safe and healthy for individuals surrounding it as long as it’s being used.

  • The cost of making it should be low.

  • Renewable energy sources must be used for the sourcing, manufacturing, and recycling of the eco-friendly packaging.

  • Usage of clean product machinery and tools in the manufacturing process.

  • Is crafter from stock materials that stay non-toxic throughout the life cycle.

  • It should be able to be reused, recycled, and must be biodegradable in nature.

The above points clearly show what eco-friendly term is all about.

Now let’s discuss the positive benefits of eco-friendly lipstick packaging.

Reduced Carbon Footprint

Eco-friendly lipstick boxes are made from recycled materials. In this way, you are able to immensely reduce the carbon footprint of your packaging processes. 

When you use stocks that are sustainable, the inverse happens. Carbon is actually drawn out of the environment. This is why choosing sustainable raw material is the way to go.

Also, lipstick customers also appreciate your endeavors.

Easy Decomposition

Sustainable lipstick packaging is easily biodegradable. Neither do this packaging exudes harmful chemicals in the environment, nor is it non-compostable.

In fact, packaging made with paper stock or cardboard is even compostable.


Although this packaging just looks great in terms of aesthetic appeal, but it is not expensive to make. Such lipstick box packaging can be disposed without worries.

There is no harm of toxicity upon disposing it off anywhere.

Non-Toxic in Nature

Lipstick boxes made from sustainable stock are non-toxic. These boxes do not carry any chemical influence.

Moreover, as these boxes are to be used for lipstick – a cosmetic that’s directly used on lips – customers do not have to worry.

The eco-friendly perception changes the buying behaviour of customers a lot.

Since they can trust a lipstick brand for its eco-friendly packaging practices, they will even want to pay a premium on top.

Can be Reused & Recycled

Lipstick boxes made from sustainable materials like cardboard and kraft go a long way.

These boxes are reusable and can be used for other purposes. The nontoxic nature makes these boxes so easy and safe to reuse. 

The recyclability of these boxes helps your lipstick brand to add to the global effort towards recycling.

Also, the stock materials used for these boxes are made from recycled materials. This is a plus point as these boxes properly fulfil the criteria of eco-friendly lipstick boxes.

Concluding the Discussion

The above mentioned benefits of using custom ecofriendly lipstick boxes show the importance of these boxes. Now you get a sound idea on why you should also start using such sustainable packaging. 

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