Top 10 Rules Of House Painting That You Should Never Break
Are you taking up your house painting project yourself? That's great! But, are you aware of the unbreakable rules of house painting? The regulation and principles of painting are standing on these rules. A slight carelessness would make your money drain completely. Nowadays, you know how much expensive have exterior paints become. So, whenever any professional painting maintenance in Ipswich holds an inspection through your property, they mention these rules. Your hard-earned money should not be drained on poor-quality paints. Let's check out some essential rules of house painting here.
Zero Compromise With The Materials
When it comes to exterior painting, materials play a major role. They decide how long the paint will last. Pay for top-quality paint, primer, and caulking compound. Top-quality paint lasts longer and flows and covers better than poor-quality paint. But paint that has a lifetime warranty against defects in the finish.
Prepare The Walls
The paint has to adhere to the wall and it needs a clean surface. Depending upon the condition of existing siding and trim, this often means considerable scraping and sanding may be required before you can paint. Use a hose and a scrub brush with water and detergent to begin washing the surface. Scraper can help to remove loose, flaking paint. A 5-inch disc power sander can remove tougher paint and smooth the surface. Use a 60- grit sandpaper first and then choose 100-grit sandpaper. This will not remove all the paint, but just the loose paint and smoothen the surface.
Beware Of Old Lead Paint
The experts at any licensed painting maintenance in Ipswich would suggest checking out how much lead is there in the paint. Though there are no paintings found with lead nowadays. But, home repairs that create even a small amount of lead dust are enough to poison your child. So, contact a local expert for lead+testing. Precaution is always better than cure.
Zero Compromise With The Painting Coat
A high-quality oil-alkyd primer works best for the longevity of the paint. Some painters like to tint the primer towards the final paint colour to minimize the need for two finish coats of paint. Others prefer to tint the primer to a contrasting colour, which will highlight any spots where the final coats haven't been completely covered.
Painting Tools Are All
Using proper tools ensures a proper painting method. The experts of professional painting maintenance in Western Suburbs Brisbane have seen that walls that have been painted with proper precautions and the right tools are shinier and smoother than the walls that haven't received similar treatment. The easiest way to apply primer and paint to textured surfaces is to spray it on with a textured sisters sprayer, and then back-roll it by hand with a roller to ensure adhesion.
So, these are the top five rules that the licensed painting maintenance in Western Suburbs Brisbane advises you to maintain for the best outcome. Who doesn't want to stand apart from the ordinary? Exterior painting has the potential to make your property stand apart. Use the power properly.
Author's Bio: The author works with professional painting maintenance in Ipswich and writes engaging blogs about licensed painting maintenance in Ipswich.