Tips for Hiring a Custom Pool Builder

Posted by Kevin Smith
Feb 16, 2018

When deciding on hiring a custom pool builder in Atlanta to install your pool, it's important to consider a few things. Installing a pool can cost upwards of a few hundred dollars, so it's important to take the time to hire a reputable custom pool builder. Here are a few tips to keep in consideration throughout this process. 


Before hiring a custom pool builder to take on the project, it's crucial that they have a good reputation. This includes having the proper references that they can offer for you to check. However, it's recommended that to do a little digging on Yelp and Google to see what other people think of their services 


You should focus on hiring a custom pool builder that has a wide range of experience in the industry. Since building custom pools isn't necessarily a skill that's easily learned, you should hire a contractor that has plenty of experience and knowledge in building and installing custom pools.


A custom pool contractor should be able to present samples of their previous work, such as before and after photos of custom pools. Often enough, they'll have a website with a wide array of completed projects that you can view. However, if they don't have one, be sure to request this before hiring them.

The Process

Before working on the custom pool, the contractor hired should take you through the major steps of completing the project. This will help keep you in the loop and know exactly what to expect. Plus, getting a custom pool built, it's important that the contractor hired knows what kind of design and style you want.

The Contract

Before signing any paperwork with the contractor you hire, make sure to look over the contract they present you with. If needed, ask them to go over it to make sure there aren't any parts you either don't understand or don't agree to. However, as the buyer, it's important that you know both the legal and financial obligations needed to be fulfilled by the completion of the project.

Getting a custom pool built in your yard is a big deal. Not only is an expensive project to get done, but it's important to take the necessary steps to hire the right help. With the help of the steps above, you should be able to hire a reputable and trustworthy custom pool builder in Atlanta quickly.

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