Tips for Healthy Compressors Sydney

Posted by Cameron Amelia
Mar 31, 2016
There is a saying that buying expensive things is easy, but affording them is not easy at all, and this saying applies perfectly on air compressors. You can invest in buying one for yourself, but you have to take good care of this machine to ensure that your investment does not go in vain. 

Spending hard earned dollar in its maintenance and servicing is one thing, but by following some tips mentioned below, you can ensure the longevity of its life for sure.

Tip # 1
Reading and following your compressors Sydney instruction manual

One of the most reliable steps that you can take is never ignoring what’s written in the instruction manual. For sure, there would be some tips and instructions to help in maintaining this machine and keeping it in a new like condition. All you have to do is read them and apply them as directed in the booklet.

Tip # 2
Checking the oil level on a regular basis

If you have the oil based version, the most important part of maintenance is checking the oil level and keeping it at the appropriate level. This should be actually done on a daily basis, if your machine is being used daily for tasks like applying paint for cars, etc. Apart from this, you need to change it after 500-1000 hours of usage to ensure that the machine continues to work properly.

Tip # 3
Draining the water and oil on a regular basis

This is the point associated with all the compressors Sydney that they will stay fit and fine until the contaminants get removed from filters, dryers, tanks and separators. Therefore, you need to ensure that all the contaminant removing devices have proper functioning and open drains. 
Other tips include – 

4. Inspecting & Cleaning the Air Filter
5. Changing the Separator Element
6. Stop, Look & Listen for Strange Sounds
7. Checking for Leaks Throughout
8. Maintaining Proper Compressor Temperature
9. Compressor Cleanliness Should be maintained
10. Keep Extra Filters and Parts on Hand

Cameron Amelia is associated with VG Auto Paints & Tools, a company offering reliable solutions for auto paints & tools. The products & services of the company include paint protection, Compressor Sydney and automotive paint 

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