The types of PG Owners you will come across while looking for a PG in Delhi

When it comes to finding the right apartment, there may be a bit more to consider than location and your budget. Your PG owner can set the tone for your experience in a pg in delhi. An absentee landlord may make your living conditions uncomfortable when necessary repairs aren’t made. On the other hand, a PG owner who keeps tabs on everyone may not be ideal, either. If you’re planning to move into a suitable accommodation soon, you may want to keep these top 3 types of landlords in mind.
The constant nagger: If you are someone who is seeking a PG in Delhi, then you surely wouldn’t want to come across the type of PG Owner who constantly nags you and dances on your head 24x7. They will nag you for timings, stuff management, your friends barging in and sometimes for no reason etc. But living an independent life and managing your life on your own, often gives you the liberty to live your life on your conditions & not his. So, ensure yourself to stay away from such PG owners and make your living worthwhile.
The ‘Procrastinator’ : Your house needs fixing-water tap is leaking-paint on the walls is fading and shedding-the door lock needs fixation- and a long list. But he won’t fix this now, because he is a procrastinator. The alarming signs are visible enough when you will be inspecting & visiting the PG. If you notice such a problem, ask him to get it done asap; at your next visit, confirm whether or not he has got it fixed. If yes, then kudos, you got your new place, but if he hasn’t, then get out of there and start your house-hunting again.
The bearable & good one: Okay, so not every PG owner you meet is going to be the bane in your life. Some can be the one with the ‘n’ deletion in bane. Apart from jokes, many PG owner do offer a home like living; they pay heed to each need of yours-make your stay worthwhile and offer a comfortable living.
So, now you do know which types of PG Owners exist. Next time, make sure to inspect everything about the PG-from the location to accommodation and of course the PG Owner. If you are seeking a PG in Delhi, then feel free to visit our website OR call us at +91 8882 356 356.Post Your Ad Here
Comments (4)
Jeet Kaushik
Digital Marketer, Web Designer
Thanks a lot to provide good information about PG's in Delhi.
Ajay kumar Singh
SEO, SMM, SMO, Digital Marketing..
Thanks @Neha for your feedback.
Neha- UpdatedReviews...
Founder of
Wow, Great information about PG's in Delhi. Thanks a lot for sharing with us.
Larry Oshiola
Medical Consultant
Well written article.Thanks a million and please continue the gratifying work.