The Treatment Stages for Extreme Borderline Paranoid Schizophrenia

Jan 19, 2021

Borderline paranoid schizophrenia affects approximately two percent of all people and constitutes twenty percent of the population limited to medical hospitals. It is usually seen during puberty, marked by mood disturbance, self-image turmoil, and emotional obligation. This state is supposed to disappear by puberty, creating a successful personality. While borderline paranoid schizophrenia is a serious psychiatric disease, such as schizophrenia, most psychiatrists consider it a very dangerous illness due to the damage that the affected person can cause to himself or herself at the height of stress.


It has been seen that adults are more vulnerable to borderline paranoid schizophrenia. The reason varies from person to person. Some people might suffer from the severe loss of a loved one, or other people have extreme personal and professional life stress. Any reason that allows a person to stay stressed for longer years leads to rare and severe mental disorders, such as schizophrenia. People get borderline paranoid schizophrenia treatment so that they can live a normal life.


Around 10 to 70% of people diagnosed with borderline paranoid schizophrenia have self-mutilation, drug abuse, alcoholism, and suicide attempts. Out of this, the population that pursues self-destructive actions, about 8 to 10% eventually attempt suicide. These troubling findings prompt psychiatric experts to approach mental disorders with appropriate therapy.


The first line of treatment prescribed is psychotherapy. This helps patients understand how to regulate their impulses, take responsibility for their lives, and use constructive coping strategies to solve obstacles. Psychotherapy uses a 'no-suicide' contract to minimize the risk of mortality and, at the same time, to motivate the patient to counter his desperation and obtain help where necessary. Psychotherapy also offers an outlet for cognitive restructuring, in which a person's pessimistic and defective view of himself or herself and the environment is corrected.


Low doses of antipsychotic medications are given to individuals with borderline paranoid schizophrenia during short psychotic periods. Antipsychotics are also used for the treatment of serious mental disorders.


Hospitalization is recommended for serious situations. Extreme depression can cause a person with borderline paranoid schizophrenia to commit suicide and survive. Constant monitoring and urgent medical attention are needed to prevent this. Hospitals and mental hospitals have the requisite services to ensure the person's welfare and health. These institutions will have ample staff to be able to observe and respond to the needs of patients in a way that would be more therapeutic to them.


Patients that do not respond to psychotherapy and medication usually get Schizophrenia Surgery in South America. Surgeons with years of experience suggest that surgery for schizophrenia is the last and best treatment to cure the severe effects of psychosis. 


In combination with surgery and psychotherapy, treatment is given to manage the disruptive effects of borderline paranoid schizophrenia and increase the individual's well-being. 


With the successful integration of treatments, borderline paranoid schizophrenia can be controlled and can give an individual a new hope towards life.

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