The Top 5 Metrics You Should be Watching When Analysing SEO Results

Posted by Milla James
Aug 9, 2022

As an internet user, you're probably familiar with the concept of search engine optimisation (SEO). But are you really measuring the results you want to see? If not, you're missing out on some key metrics that can help you improve your site's visibility and rankings. In this blog post, Gold Coast's best SEO agency introduces you to five of the most important SEO metrics and explains how to measure them. By doing so, you'll be able to identify any areas where your site may be deficient and work to address them accordingly. Bon, voyage!

New referring domains

When analysing SEO results, it's important to keep track of new referring domains. This metric indicates how successful your SEO efforts are and can be used to determine if further optimisation is needed. Other important metrics to monitor include organic search engine rankings, backlinks and social media engagement. Keep track of your progress and adjust your strategies as needed to ensure maximum results.

Domain authority/domain rating

When analysing SEO results, one important metric to watch is domain authority/domain rating). This tells you how well a page is ranked on search engine results pages (SERPs). 

The higher the domain authority, the more authoritative the page is and the more likely it is to rank high in search engine results. Domains with high domain ratings tend to have high organic search traffic. 

So, if you're looking to improve your SEO results, Gold Coast's best seo agency suggests that ensuring your pages have high domain authority is a good place to start. Another metric to watch is page rank. This tells you how well a page ranks on search engine results pages (SERPs). The higher the page rank, the higher the potential ranking of the page.

On-page optimisation scores

When analysing SEO results, it's important to keep track of three key metrics: on-page optimisation scores, organic search engine rankings, and social media engagement. 

Each of these plays a vital role in driving organic traffic and user engagement. So, make sure you're monitoring them closely to see the results of your optimisation efforts. In addition, keep an eye out for page speed and user experience rankings to make sure your site is running as smoothly as possible.

Text readability SEO metrics

When analysing your SEO results, it's important to keep an eye on text readability metrics. These metrics help determine how easy it is for your audience to understand and absorb your content. 

By measuring how long it takes people to read a page, you can see how readable your content is. Additionally, you can see how user-friendly your page is and how search engine optimisation (SEO) is affecting your user experience. 

In addition, pay attention to SEO keyword density and keyword relevance. These metrics help you determine which keywords are used most effectively and which are more relevant to your content.

Crawl errors and Bounce rate

SEO is all about optimisation, and one of the most important metrics to watch is crawl errors and bounce rate. Crawl errors indicate how well your website is being indexed by search engines. A high crawl error rate could mean your website is not well-optimized, leading to low search engine rankings. 

On the other hand, the bounce rate is a metric that reflects how often people visit your website after clicking on a link from a search engine results page. A high bounce rate could mean that you're not providing enough value for your visitors and that they're quickly leaving your page. 

Both crawl errors and bounce rate are important indicators of your website's optimisation status and should be monitored regularly to ensure that your website is performing as optimistically as possible.


Congratulations on your new blog! Now that you have set up your blog and are ready to start building links, it is important to track various relevant SEO metrics. By tracking the results of the 5 metrics listed above, you can ensure that your blog ranks high and delivers the desired results. Make sure to keep track of these results and make adjustments as necessary - your blog's success is entirely in your hands!

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