The Nuts And Bolts of Water Jet Cutting

Posted by Colin Sponias
Feb 17, 2016
Since the beginning of water-jet cutting technology, it has undergone many changes, improvements and modifications in its designs. Various types of nozzles, abrasives, jet positions have experimented with to increase the productivity. The basic function of water-jet cutting is to force a huge volume of water through a very small aperture at the nozzle tip and the continuous flow of water traversing through minimized cross-sectional area aids the particles to accelerate rapidly. The high pressure and impact of the particles in the flowing stream cause the little crack to expand unless the hard material is cut through.

Limitations of the process

Water jet cutting services St Louis is widely used as an efficient alternative to most other cutting procedures. Yet it has some limitations which are discussed in detail:
The biggest disadvantage of this process is the limited types of materials that can be cut economically. It can cut hard materials like steel and iron, but the cutting speed and rate have to be minimized and it can take much longer. As a result of this, this technique could be very expensive and time-consuming.

Another thing to consider is that very thick parts of any material cannot be cut with similar dimensional accuracy and precision using the water jet process. If the parts are much thicker than the water jet may choose to cut the material diagonally, or may dispel a part of it, or may result in a wider cuter at the bottom than the upper end or may cause a rough and wavy pattern on the cut output.

Advantages of the method

Despite these limitations, Water jet cutting services St Louis has many applications and there are many reasons why this system is preferred over other prevalent cutting methods. It has several advantages which are discussed below:

•    No heat is generated in water jet cutting system. This technique is of particular use in cutting steel and other metals where excessive heat generation may alter the fundamental properties of any metal.

•    Water jet cutting services, unlike grinding or machining does not generate any dust particles that can be dangerous if inhaled.

•    The width of kerfs within the water-jet machine is quite small which causes the very least amount of materials to be wasted.

•    This technique can be easily used for producing any prototype parts quite effortlessly. An operator is just needed to program the details of the required dimension of that part into the system, and the part will be cut exactly to the specification given to the water jet machine.

•    Using Water jet cutting technique is very faster and economic than other processes that involve drawing detailed prints of the part and having another skilled operator to cut out that part. The entire process of water jet cutting can be deftly automated to produce desired outputs.

•    This cutting process doesn't leave a rough edge after cutting and eliminates the need to apply other machining procedures like grinding or finish sanding.

•    Compared to other equivalent laser cutters, water-jet equipment are much lighter. Any Water jet cutting services provider can mount the equipment on an automated robot in order to reduce the problems of decelerating and accelerating the robot heads and also reduce energy consumption.

Thus in spite of its petty limitations, water jet cutting is a preferred choice in many industries across the globe.

Colin Sponias is experience content writer, He loves to write on metal cutting services St Louis related subjects. now a days he is writing for  water jet cutting services  .

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