The National Vocational Qualifications Certification and Hairdressing Traineeships

Posted by Martina Bonn
Jun 29, 2022

Summary: As a hairdresser, you must be capable of inspiring your customers to take better care of their hair and help them find advice and recommendations.

Do you enjoy doing your own or others' hairstyles? Do you have any new hair styling concepts? You know you've done a good job whenever anyone thanks you for a good job and you can tell from the look on their forehead that they're overjoyed with the end result? Do you aspire to one day be a well-known and admired hairstylist? In the future, perhaps you'll own your own hair salon to meet the demands of all of your clients?

A hairdressing apprenticeship, as the name suggests, is the Best Hairdresser in Malta training program in which trainees work under the supervision of a licensed professional to acquire and put their newly acquired knowledge to use in a real salon setting.

In terms of basic skills, these include scheduling appointments, shampooing and conditioning, coloring, perming and relaxing hair, chopping and styled to fit the customer's face shape, and marketing goods that make the customer to feel beautiful about themselves. In time, you’re trimming and drawing skills can improve to the point where you'll be able to set fads as you grow increasingly more creative and daring.

Your journey to become a full-time hairdresser can begin now if you can affirmatively say yes to all of these questions. If you can, we'll help you every step of the way.

Professional hairstyling can be accomplished in the following ways, and we'll get to them in no time. Apprenticeship in a salon, passing the national vocational qualifications (NVQs), and afterwards going on to earn a higher degree in hairdressing are all necessary steps in the process.

It is critical that you begin your internship as soon as possible so that you can begin earning money to help fund your daily expenditures and future career goals as a hairdresser while also acquiring the necessary training and experience.

Are there any apprenticeships in hairdresser currently available?

There are two ways to go about this. The Vocational Education and Training (VET) director at your school can assist you in determining the ideal part-time apprenticeship opportunity for you while you are still in college.

However, if you've already completed your education and plan to work as a hairdresser full-time, research is essential. Call the National apprenticeship Helpline at 08000 150600, and they'll be able to provide you with information on potential businesses in your area and your chosen field. They have access to the most essential people in the Best Hairdressers in Malta industry who can help you get your career off the ground.

What is the purpose of NVQ?

The acronym NVQ stands for National Vocational Qualifications. Attaining the levels required by national standards for specific occupations results in this nationally recognized qualification award. As a result, anyone registering for an NVQ has to be able to show that they are knowledgeable about the job they are interested in.

Candidates for NVQs should be adult thinkers, young or old, studying or not, as much because they have some sort of employment, whether it's part-time or full-time.

There are five levels of National Vocational Qualification, which vary according to the job description. As a way of illustrating how different the credentials are between levels and what is necessary to progress, these levels were created.

By assigning an external consultant to examine the candidate's abilities in the workplace while also testing his or her knowledge of key material, NVQs can be put into practice.

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