The most difficult phase post-pregnancy and how to cope with it?

Posted by Swarnali Ganguly
Dec 1, 2017

Pregnancy is indeed a difficult phase for the new mother, but it is just the tip of an iceberg. The real problem starts with the onset of the new mother’s ‘eureka’ moment, that is, when she actually holds the baby in her arms and tries to feel the joy of motherhood. Right from the body aches and physical disabilities, a mother faces a lot before rejoicing her new role as a mother. Not many gynecologists in Kolkata give post-pregnancy mental support, but those who do can help new mothers a lot to cope up with their post-partum stage.


Difficulties with post-partum depression and mental health


Pregnancy gives the mother frequent mood swings, while post-pregnancy comes with post-partum depression. Not many women face it, but many feel quite depressed post-pregnancy due to the hormonal changes and temporary physical difficulties. A mother needs to feed the child quite frequently, which means she cannot take rest for a long time when she needs it the most. Moreover, the newborn stays up whole night that affects the sleep cycle of the mother, making her cranky and disturbed. However, this is the most important phase in a new mother’s life that needs care and attention from her loved ones. She might need some quite corner to lie down, sans her baby. But since it is not possible, she can find some other interesting ways like pursuing her hobbies and reading her favorite author. She can enjoy some quality time dressing up her newborn or any activity that pleases her senses and makes her content. One can also opt for parlor services at home from the mobile app bookings and get herself pampered. There are a number of apps that provide premium services for maternity beauty care in Kolkata and around.


Physical weakness


The next most important problem the new mother faces is physical weakness. The whole cycle of pregnancy and childbirth takes a toll on the mother and makes her quite weak. The body of mother spares all her nutrients and makes space in her womb to give way to a new life. The two most nutrients that a new mother needs is iron and calcium. For that, she needs enough food rich with protein, minerals and other nutrients to make her up and running. The body needs at least 6 months to recover from the deficiency and inabilities. New mothers can take food supplements as well to cope up with the weakness. One can check for a number of gynecologists in Kolkata and around who can provide best advices on how to take care of health post-pregnancy.


Breastfeeding difficulties


A journey to motherhood is not a smooth one and there are a number of hurdles one has to face. One of them is problems with feeding the newborn. Many newborns are not able to suck the milk easily, and many a times, the mother is not able to nurse properly. There can be problems like the nipple is too big for the baby’s mouth or it is not much inclined, or there’s no sufficient milk, and so on. It is better to meet a breastfeeding specialist and get expert’s advice on how to make breastfeeding easier.  

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