The Know How of Kidney Transplant (Medical and Legal)

Posted by Akash Sharma
Sep 4, 2019
Kidneys are the filtration plants of our body. This is a statement that all of us must have read in our class 8th text books and there still is no other way to make one realize how important the function of kidneys is. Basically, they keep our bodies clean from any kind of toxins and harmful materials by filtering our blood of them. They keep our bodies in order. But as uncommon as it may seem, kidney problems are very common these days. Around 15% of the world population suffers from kidney problems. Short term or acute kidney problems or diseases are treated effectively with medicine but it is the Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) that posses a threat. Chronic Kidney Disease often ends up in a kidney transplant. A kidney transplant is a surgical procedure wherein a healthy kidney is taken out of the body of a healthy donor and placed inside the body of the person who needs it. As we all know, it is possible for a human being to lead a normal and healthy life with the help of a single kidney, so the donor as well 
as the patient lead a normal life after the procedure of transplant.

Some of the common causes that render kidneys useless and require a kidney transplant afterwards are:

•Chronic Blood Pressure Problems
•Chronic Glomerulonephritis
•Polycystic Kidney Disease

Kidney transplant has been and still is one of the most violated medical procedures around the world. Kidney trafficking rackets are prevalent all over the globe and India is no different. That is the reason for kidney transplant being a legally regulated and guided procedure and with India being one of favourite countries around the world where people come for kidney transplants, laws around it are a must have. The first legal requirement for a kidney transplant is that the donor must be related to the patient in some way and if he or she is not, then an unconditional and free consent from the donor is needed. In some cases, where the law so deems fit, the consent of the guardians or family of the donor is also taken into consideration. Like in a recent case in the state of Jammu and Kashmir, where an inter-faith kidney transplant was supposed to take place between a Sikh girl and her Muslim friend but the parents of the Sikh girl protested against it and it was disallowed by the High Court of the state, as 
it became a matter of communal harmony.

So, where on one side, kidney transplant is a complex medical procedure, at the same time it is also a legally complex process and requires a lot of legal formalities to be fulfilled in true spirit of law. If you are looking for a hospital that has excellent expertise in the field, you might want to consider Care Hospitals, which is arguably the best kidney transplant hospitals in India

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