The Dangers of Terminator Gene Technology in Agriculture

Posted by Tem Tee
Jul 1, 2024

NewsBlist ▶ Article:

What are the Dangers of Terminator Gene Technology in Relation to Plants, Animals, and Human Reproduction?..

• Genetic Contamination:
Terminator genes have the potential to spread beyond their intended crops through natural cross-pollination, leading to genetic contamination of non-GMO crops and wild plant species.

• Biodiversity Threat:
The use of terminator technology may reduce biodiversity by creating monocultures, where a single strain dominates, making crops more vulnerable to pests, diseases, and climate change.

• Farmers' Dependence:
Terminator seeds prevent farmers from saving and replanting seeds, forcing them to purchase new seeds each planting season, increasing their dependence on seed companies and affecting their autonomy.

• Food Chain Disruption:
If terminator genes enter animal feed through GM crops, it could disrupt the food chain and impact not only livestock but also wild animals consuming contaminated food sources.

• Potential Health Risks:
Limited research exists on the long-term effects of consuming products derived from animals fed with GMOs containing terminator genes, raising concerns about potential health risks for humans and animals alike... read more:
Full Article on NewsBlist..


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