Telehealth: The Comprehensive Solution to the Present Generation

Posted by Ashish Sharma
Aug 6, 2020

Technology is the greatest tool of humankind. Telehealth has seen its evolution for decades now, primarily because of demand from patients. A significant rise in telehealth users has seen the vast improvement of infrastructure in the public healthcare sector. Treating patients from afar was considered folly a few decades ago but with efficient and innovative telehealth application offerings in USA from companies like SISGAIN has paved the way for advanced telehealth programs to treat not only elderly patients but also students and young adults alike. 

Patients who suffer from underlying chronic diseases or patients, who are unable to arrange for transportation to reach healthcare providers, can and do use telehealth to receive access to quality healthcare. Healthcare providers and facilities from across the nation are starting to adopt and integrate white label mobile telehealth solutions in their systems due to its efficiency and rising demand. 

Using telehealth app development to treat and provide healthcare to a wide variety of patients which includes young adults and teenagers determines a rising trend to stabilize and utilize all the resources efficiently. Young adults and students tend to suffer from high rates of ADHD, depression, suicidal tendencies, anxiety and other mental and behavioral problems. Mental health illnesses are common among teenagers and young adults because of their hormonal and behavioral changes, according to the Centres for Disease Control. Young adults and teenagers find trouble expressing their emotions or learning new information in class because of the prevalent mental health disorders. 

A recent study concluded by the CDC publishes that mental health disorders remain common among today’s young people. 

  • An approximate of 4% of teenagers aged 3-17 have been diagnosed with clinical depression. 

  • 9% of children aged 2-16 years have received an ADHD diagnosis. 

  • Approximately 7% of children have been diagnosed with social anxiety aged from 3-18 years. 

  • Roughly 8% of today’s youth aged 2-16 years suffer from behavioral problems. 

Many young adults and children tend to suffer from one or more types of mental health disorders. Multiple conditions of mental health disorders are common in children with clinical depression. While most of these children and young adults receive required treatments and medications for their mental health disorders but they miss out on valuable and necessary experiences in school. Students and young adults who suffer from these common mental health disorders feel embarrassed to talk about their issues to their parents or guardians if it means that they have to take time off from school and miss classes. 

Not all students and young adults can afford regular transportation to mental health providers’ offices. Low income students suffer a lot because travelling to mental healthcare providers means that they have to miss out on free or reduced-cost meals such as breakfast and lunch. 

Telehealth Makes the Difference 

Instead of having students and young adults to travel to mental healthcare providers, telehealth software systems brings mental healthcare providers to the students and young adults. The children and teenagers can receive quality mental healthcare without having to unnecessarily travel and miss out on classes. 

Local schools have recently implemented integrated telehealth applications to help bring mental healthcare to students. With this new method students and young adults can virtually connect with mental healthcare counsellors without having to leave school. Live videoconferencing and real-time consultation or instant messaging is used by students to communicate with the counsellors, in secure and private areas of the school. 

Mental healthcare providers and counsellors use telehealth apps to quickly learn about the students and their problems without causing much delay. Students receive the care they require in a matter of minutes which means less time away from class and more access to efficient and quality healthcare at reduced costs for both students and healthcare providers. 

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