Taxation Laws: Start Exploring and Stop Complaining

Posted by Essay Corp
Jan 15, 2019
The taxation or taxes are the common words which are definitely heard by every citizen continuing their lives on this earth. The taxation is often considered as a liability which needs to be fulfilled by every person, organization, firm, or companies to continue their professional lives within a particular state and country. The taxation laws cover the policies, laws, and rules that monitor the tax processes which include the charges levied on transactions, income, property, licenses, and estates. The laws of taxation involve the payment related to taxes four different minimum levels.


In other words, the taxes can be considered as a charge implemented by the government over the income of a corporation, trust, and individual, along with the values of gifts and estates. The taxes also differ into different categories like sales tax, consumer tax, real estate tax, etc. The taxes cannot be considered as a voluntary payment and hence, it is imposed by the legislative authorities.

Understanding Australian tax calculator

The tax calculator helps in calculating the taxes which are a person owe over the taxable income. The tax rates vary according to the income during a year and residency status.  The outcomes availed by this calculator is basically depended upon the information provides during the time of calculation. The income tax calculator originally calculates the tax which is payable on the gross wages paid in the form of equal weekly amounts. These rates of taxes are achieved through the Australian tax office. There are no allowances are made for deducting the taxes other payments/ levies or Medicare. The Australian tax calculator covers the information like total gross income payments received, total tax amount which was withheld, a total amount related to deductions made to claim, residency status, details of tax credits, and tax offsets if any.

Exploring taxation laws in Australia

The income tax in Australia is amended by the federal government upon the corporations and individuals taxable income. After World War II, the state government has not implemented taxes. The income tax on the individual is levied on the basis of progressive rates. The income of trusts and partnerships are not taxed directly. It has been identified that income taxes are the most important source of revenue for the Australian government. The Australian taxation office collects income tax on the behalf of the federal government.

Australia's first income tax was amended in the year 1902 by Queensland. The calculation of income tax is made by two statues- income tax assessment act 1997 and income tax assessment act 1936. The taxes of Australia are governed, collected, and administered by the (ATO) Australian taxation office and in few cases the revenue offices of state government. An Australian company is subjected to Australia's company tax whose rates are set by the government of Australia. The non-resident Australian company has to face the same rates of taxes as resident companies. The tax rates and taxable income varies in accordance with the limited circumstances like business structure or industry.

The (CGT) capital gains are applied on capital gain which is made by disposing of the assets and is a part of income tax. The (GST) goods and services tax has been considered as a broad-based or national consumption tax on most services and goods consumed or sold in Australia. Most of the businesses in Australia need to register with goods and services tax with the ATO (Australian taxation office).

Later or sooner- the taxes are meant to be paid, income tax Australia

It has been identified that income tax laws of Australia are imposed or amended by its federal government. The income taxes are specifically imposed on the income of corporations and individuals. The tax rates increase with the increase in income within Australia. The tax years of Australia starts from July 1st to June 30th. The country Australia balances a burden of low tax in comparison to other developed and wealthy nations at 27.8% of GDP in the year 2018.

The income tax is imposed on the taxable income of an individual and is liable to be paid on all different income forms. The tax system of Australia is progressive which means that when the income level is higher, the people are bound to pay more tax.

The corporate tax rate in Australia

The corporate tax rates of Australia is 30% under which all companies are subjected to pay the federal tax rate of 30% upon taxable income excluding small companies and businesses which are bound to pay the tax at the rate of 27.5%. Apart from this, the companies which are Australia’s residents are subjected to Australian income tax on worldwide income. Usually, the non-resident Australian companies are subjected to only Australian sourced income.

In case, when a company is a resident of Australia, it has to follow the (DTA) double taxation system and rights of Australia to tax business profits is usually limited to the profits which are attributable to (PE) permanent establishment in Australia.

Taxes are not limited and so, they are spread in different areas and types

Superannuation taxes- The superannuation is an Australia's pension program. Under this program, the employers form funds by making contributions. The employers gather and collect the fund by saving a part of the salary of employees.

Corporate taxes- The taxes over the corporate are implemented at a flat rate of 30% in Australia. The companies and corporations are required to pay taxes to Australia's federal government for gained profits.

Goods and services tax- The Austrian government imposes 10% tax on the supply of goods and services. The GST is levied or imposed on the individuals who have registered for GST or goods and services tax. The supplies such as food products, medical services, and services related to the education from paying goods and services tax.

Excise tax- The excise taxes are imposed by the federal government on cigarettes, petrol, and alcohol. It refers to as elastic goods. These goods have been considered as inelastic goods as their demands for these types of goods seem to be even if the price increases.

Property taxes- The state government mainly depends upon the property taxes to carry out the multiple activities. The property taxes in Australia are imposed on industrial houses, residential complexes, and commercial complexes so as to provide funding to the state government. Sometimes the local government imposes taxes on land value or on the properties that are high in value.

Sharpening the study of tax law

The tax law has been identified as an era concerned with the legal study which mainly deals with the common law, constitutional law, tax treaty, regulatory rules which constitutes laws applicable to taxation. The tax laws cover the policies, laws, and rules that monitor the process of taxes.

The act of privacy

The privacy act is basically the laws which govern the handling of personal information practices of institutions of federal government. The act of privacy is imposed on all the personal information which federal government gathers, discloses, and uses- be it related to federal employees and individuals. The Privacy act 1988 of Australia regulates the handling personal information related to individuals. 

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