Take Years off Your Looks with Active Collagen and Collagen Plus

Posted by Aldis Rou
Sep 3, 2015

As we age, one of our biggest fears is looking old. Millions of dollars are spent on plastic surgery in search for the way we looked 20 years ago. There are many doctors living in vacation homes because we are so worried about wrinkles and sagging skin. Wouldn’t it be a dream come true if all we had to do was take a pill and erase years off the look of our skin? Well, your dream has come true if you begin taking Active Collagen and Collagen Plus every day. Lorna Vanderhaeghe spent years researching and developing products to enhance the lives of women. These two products give the body what age has taken away and the result is healthier skin, hair, nails, and bones. Go to Vitasave and explore the products available to make you happier and healthier.

What is collagen?

Collagen is an extremely important protein that is produced by our body and makes up about ¼ of the protein present in our body. It is responsible for the strength of our hair, nails, teeth, and bones. As we age, our body starts producing less and less which is why our skin becomes more wrinkled and saggy. It also is why we start losing our hair and it becomes thinner and loses color. You will find that your nails also become more brittle and don’t grow as fast as they used to. After menopause, the lack of collagen production increases dramatically.

Benefits of Collagen Plus and Active Collagen

Both Collagen Plus and Active Collagen have the nutrients in them to benefit your skin, hair, nails, and teeth. Taking these supplements will replace what age has taken away and make you feel and look much younger. In addition, some other benefits include:

· Smoother skin

· Stronger nails and bones

· Helps cure receding gums

· Thicker, healthier hair

· Tones and lifts sagging skin

· Protects against damage from the sun

· Makes connective tissue more flexible

· Reduces the size of wrinkles

· Increases moisture to skin

If you use these products as part of your everyday regimen, you will find an improvement in collagen and elastin in your body in about 28 days.

1 dropper of Collagen Plusand One capsule of Active Collagen each day will help your hair, nails, and skin look years younger.

About Vitasave

Vitasave is the largest retailer of natural supplements in Canada. Their website is extremely informative and helpful when choosing products. They have a special page that sorts products according to ailment. In this case, go to the section for hair, skin and nails and you will see Active Collagen and Collagen Plus there as well as some other products that will make you feel and look younger.

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