Surrogate Mother and Gestational Carrier

Posted by Vins Fertility
Jan 27, 2024

Surrogacy is a procedure where a woman carries and gives birth to a baby for another couple or individual who can’t get pregnant themselves of by using other methods available such as IVF and IUI. After getting pregnant the baby is given to the intended parents completing all the legal formalities. The woman carrying the baby is known as surrogate mother. Surrogacy is a complex process involving many legal and medical procedures.

Types of surrogacies

There are different types of surrogacies based on what you desire and you can always consult a medical professional before choosing which option fits you.

Surrogacy can be divided into different kinds on the basic of genetic relationship, payment for a surrogate

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3. surrogacy in cost india

On the basis of genetic relationship

  • Gestational surrogacy: In this embryo is formed using the eggs and sperm from the intended parents or from the donors. This type allows mothers to be related to the child and surrogate will have no biological link with the baby.
  • Traditional surrogacy: In this embryo is created using eggs from surrogate mother itself and the surrogate mother is biologically linked to the baby. In this the surrogate can be linked to either one of the parents creating a genetic link between them which is not possible in the case of donated egg and sperm.

On the basis of payment made to surrogate

  • Compensated surrogacy: In this type of surrogacy, the surrogate mother is given compensation to carry the child. This typically adds to the costs of the process.
  • Altruistic surrogacy: In this type of surrogacy, the surrogate mother receives no compensation. The surrogate mother can be probably linked to mother and father and also this reduces the cost of overall process.

According to the new surrogacy rules, altruistic surrogacy is only permitted in India.

Gestational Surrogacy Process

The process of the surrogacy is very long and complex requiring a lot of legal requirements to be completed. The surrogacy process involves:

  • Decision and preparation: After failure of other fertility treatments, intended parents choose surrogacy, first step is choosing between gestational and traditional surrogacy and then consulting with legal advisors to understand what all are the legal requirements associated with surrogacy and the cost of the treatment.
  • Finding a surrogate: The next step is finding a suitable surrogate by the help of surrogate agencies, and then surrogate undergoes medical screening and signs all the legal contracts required.
  • Medical procedure: Surrogate undergoes tests, procedures and all the medical procedures like IVF.
  • Pregnancy: Blood test is done to confirm the pregnancy and regular check-ups are done to ensure good health of the surrogate and baby.
  • Child-birth: The surrogate gives birth to the baby and the child is handed over to the intended parents after completing all the legal formalities making sure that the intended parents are recognized as legal parents of the child.

Overall, the surrogacy is an intricate process emotionally, mentally as well as physically. A lot of support is required by both the intended parents and surrogate before embarking on this journey of surrogacy.

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