Suffering from bulimia nervosa? What are your treatment options?

Posted by Ellern Mede
Nov 26, 2019

Bulimia Nervosa, most commonly known as bulimia, is an eating disorder in which an individual engages in recurrent binge eating followed by feelings of depression, guilt and self-condemnation. An individual who suffers from this type of eating disorder usually purges to compensate for the excessive eating in an attempt to prevent weight gain. This purging can take the form of vomiting, use of laxatives, enemas or excessive physical exercise.

The severity of bulimia

It has been observed that bulimia can damage different organs including the kidney, heart, digestive system, bones, endocrine glands, and brain. Indeed, this is a very alarming indication that points towards the severity of Bulimia Nervosa. To such a degree, the most effective way to prevent organ damage due to bulimia is to visit an eating disorder clinic in London to treat the condition.

Different ways to cure bulimia nervosa

·         Psychotherapy

Psychotherapy has turned out to be an effective and long-lasting Bulimia Nervosa treatment. During this type of treatment, the therapist not only addresses the eating disorder itself but helps the sufferer by underlying reasons for their condition, which could either be psychological, interpersonal or even cultural.

·         Nutritional therapy 

This is yet another way to treat Bulimia. In this, dieticians and other health care providers offer information about a healthy diet. At times, they even help in designing a proper eating plan to help the sufferer achieve a healthy weight through healthy eating habits. Depending upon the chart prepared, the sufferer's progress is regularly monitored – for example, their weight is often measured on a weekly basis. Although this type of treatment takes time for curing eating disorder but has gained considerable importance.

·         Group therapy

The next way of treatment is Group Therapy. As the name suggests, in this type of therapy a sufferer is supposed to get ongoing support and help from other sufferers and a group leader.

·         Outpatient therapy

Apart from all this, outpatient therapy is yet another type of therapy where a sufferer is allowed to go home after each session. Today, many people are responding to this type of treatment very well. This type of therapy gives them a feeling of security being in a homely environment. Because this type of treatment programme primarily demands family care, it is crucial that the family cautiously watch and take care of the sufferer while he or she is at home and ensure there are no bingeing and purging.

Indeed, with so many types of treatment options and therapies available, an individual can easily cure Bulimia Nervosa, so long as they seek the treatment as soon as their condition is diagnosed.

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