Spilling The Wall Paint: Interior Design Blunders To Avoid

Posted by Appello Interiors
Dec 9, 2020
When it comes to interior decor, it is not a child’s play. And as much of a cakewalk a residential interior design company would make it seem while designing your home interiors, interior designing, whether it is your home or workspace, takes much more efforts than just perfect colour combination sense and space-management knowledge. 

But hey, you are not going to stay in the dark forever, these are the crucial yet subtle interior design blunders you must avoid

Not Having A Plan

If you do not know what you want with the interiors of your space, the hired interior designer is not going to do it for you. If you are indecisive yourself, you are most likely going to confuse the designer. Do not do that.

Set a plan, focus on your requirements before jumping into your desires, set a budget, time and then proceed. Not only would this help in faster results but will also save your money.

Failing To Establish A Focal Point

A focal point, such as a dining room helps to centre a room. Not having a focal point will not let your interiors get the due it deserves, it is easy to overlook the interiors with the lack of a focal point. Moreover, in the absence of an architectural focal point, the largest furniture in the room becomes the focal point and this may not go too well with the overall interiors of your house.

Having Your Clutter On Display

Keeping all the essential objects within the sight is good, especially when it comes to small living spaces. But that does not mean that you need to keep your clutter on display and spoil the beauty of your rooms, because clutter is the first thing that would catch people’s eyes before your stunning and detailed interiors. So, avoid that.

Using Wrong Sized Area Rugs

It’s just a rug, who would care? If you think that way, don’t. Because as most people take note of your shoes before even looking into your eyes properly, the size of the area rug has the potential to dictate the overall outcome of a room’s interiors. If it is wrong sized- a lot of your hard work is going to go down the drain.

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