Some Things to Consider Before Learning Violin

Apr 4, 2018
When anyone thinks about the Violin, the great composers such as Vivaldi, Dancla, and Paganini come to mind. But nowadays, the violin plays in the spotlight in many genres beyond classical music and it includes rock, pop, and even electronic.

But no matter which genre you are interested in playing, all violinists need to start with the basics such as proper posture and holding the bow. From this, you can move to more advanced techniques such as incorporating vibrato, dynamics, and articulations into your playing. Check out this list before you start to Learn the Violin:

  • Your Violin Will Not Sound Like the Ones in the Movie Soundtracks for a Very Long Time
Your violin will mostly not sound airy when you are first starting out with any of the Violin Ensembles. One thing for sure, the way you hold your bow is probably one of the most unnatural positions to get comfortable with, although it later will become your second nature.
So, when you play with that awkward bow hold for the first few days or even months, all you can hear is scratch, pause and once you get the knack of that, it will sound more like some inconsistent buzz, like the way a mosquito buzzes near your ear.
  • You Will Play the Noisy Sound on Violin
Even the professionals sometimes find they're playing a little scratchy and noisy, but there is a bright side to this situation. Think about the way a violin is held before you actually start to learn the Violin. The F holes, where the sound is produced, are almost a few inches from your left ear. Because of which, some say that violinists lose hearing in their left ear after a long time because the sound is very close to that ear.
  • Learn to Take Good Care of Your Violin
If you get in contact with any of the Violin Ensembles, they will tell you that some work will go into maintaining the violin itself. This will become a habit over the time. When you will actually start to Learn the Violin, you will get that maturity to take care of your instrument. Whenever the violinist prepares to play, you can see them first tightening the bow, then applying a small thing to the bow hair. A bow must be shaped with a little bit of a curve. To maintain the curve shape, it has to be set lose each time it is not being used.
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