Solar Control Glass Market Analysis, Leading Players, Growth and Future Scope

Posted by Vijay K.
Apr 20, 2021
The increasing provision of government subsidies, tax benefit schemes, and investment tax credits and the implementation of FIT programs in several countries are positively impacting the demand for solar control glass across the world. Moreover, the enactment of favorable government policies and laws such as tax reliefs to construction companies and the provision of 100% FDI for infrastructural development projects are boosting the sales of solar control glass in emerging economies such as India.

In addition to the above-mentioned factors, the rapid construction of residential and non-residential buildings in various countries, on account of the increasing urbanization and industrialization rates, is also propelling the demand for solar control glass around the world, which is, in turn, driving the advancement of the global solar control glass market. Solar control glass contains a coating that directly reflects a significant portion of the sunlight falling on it, thereby reducing the amount of heat entering a building.

Globally, Asia-Pacific is expected to record the fastest growth in the solar control glass market in future, mainly on account of the surging construction industry in the region. Moreover, the soaring BIPV market and tax benefit policies are predicted to further fuel the demand for these glasses in the coming years. There have been huge investments for several infrastructural development projects in Japan and China, which will also boost the adoption of solar control glasses.

Hence, it can be said with full certainty that the demand for solar control glass will shoot up all over the world in the upcoming years, mainly because of the rising popularity of solar energy and the increasing implementation of favorable government policies regarding these materials in several countries around the world.
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