Smooth Out Moving Day with These Smart Strategies

Feb 28, 2023

Moving can be a stressful and time-consuming process, but it doesn’t have to be. With the right strategies and help from local moving services NYC, you can make your move as smooth as possible. Whether you’re enlisting the help of a local moving company NY or opting for a DIY approach, these smart strategies will help you tackle the logistical demands of your move with ease.

Virtually everyone has had to move at least once in their lifetime. And, even for that reason, it is common knowledge how stressful this moment can be. However, with a few tricks up your sleeve, most of the most common headaches when organizing a move can be avoided.

There are some interesting ways to organize everything so that going from one property to another happens as smoothly as possible. Come and discover with us what can be done to move without stress.

1 – Assemble a schedule when organizing a move

Planning is the main thing to be able to handle all the tasks of organizing a move without having to worry about it. It is through it that it is possible to make big changes to companies, such as tobacconists , stores and industry.

To start, list everything you need for the moving services nyc, such as boxes, labels, tape, bubble wrap, pens, etc.

After knowing the necessary materials, it is best to organize the activities that need to be done by dates. For example: “buy boxes”, “cancel the internet”, “dismantle the wardrobe”, “make a transportation budget” and so on. With everything listed, just follow the schedule and see how much better everything flows.

2 – Check the condominium rules

Advance is your greatest companion to avoid stress. Let's say you're moving to a new apartment in the center of NYC , it's important to check the rules for moving.

Thus, you avoid fines and manage to take everything with the greatest possible peace of mind. Also, if you already live in an apartment building, it's important to check the rules of the building you're moving out of as well.

3 – Cancel the services of your old house

Electricity, water, cable TV, internet, telephone and gas are services that need to be canceled even before moving. After all, the vast majority of concessionaires of these services need a deadline for disconnection and transfer to the new address. Putting this part on the schedule is essential to not have stress.

4 – Change your postal address

There are some things that can be resolved over time, but it's better to organize and make this change as soon as possible with points that may be problematic. So, don't forget to change the correspondence data for more important things, like credit card bill or banking services.

5 – Don’t be afraid to let go

Donating or throwing away a number of things that were no longer useful to you is part of the change process. It's even better to leave some utensils out so you don't have to worry about making room for them later.


The tip here is to try to separate as much stuff as possible as soon as possible to put it up for sale, donate or throw it away before all the moving takes place.

6 – Don’t buy more food

At least 15 days before moving, it's a good idea not to buy any more food for the old house and consume what you already had. That way, you don't have to worry about packing food and you can turn off the fridge as soon as possible. Leave to do the shopping already in the new house.

7 – Turn off appliances

Taking everything out of the socket when moving can cause huge problems and disrupt your life a lot. Therefore, turn off the refrigerator, freezer and air conditioning at least 2 days beforehand to avoid leaks. The rest of the equipment — such as stove, microwave, TV, computer, etc. — must be turned off the day before, to cool down.

8 – Make transport budgets when organizing a move

You can hire Long Distance Moving Services in New York, depending on your budget. The advantage of freight is its low cost for small loads in close proximity, but you'll need to pack and carry just about everything.

Carriers, on the other hand, make changes of any size and can even provide a team to load your objects onto the truck. Just quote what is most advantageous for you according to the levels of service offered.

9 – It’s time to box

Boxing carefully can be boring at first, but it will save you a lot of work in the new house. Therefore, place objects from different rooms in different boxes and place labels with what is going in each box. Another golden tip is to put objects that can become heavier, such as books, in smaller boxes.

10 – Have a survival suitcase

Separating a suitcase for easy access to your most essential items is a great idea. Toothbrush, deodorant, clothes for a few days, toilet paper, bath towel, bedding and pillow are some good tips to keep within reach. The important thing is to leave it all together so you don't have to unpack everthing looking for what you need most.

11 – Free up your schedule

Moving is an all-day activity, so don't make any other appointments on the same date. Even if possible, it's good to try to ask for a waiver at work if it's on a weekday. Also try to leave the next 1 or 2 days free to organize yourself in your new home.

12 – Putting everything in place

Now that you've done almost everything, it's time to organize the new home. The tip here is to go in parts and with as much patience as possible. Start by unpacking and arranging what is in the most used rooms. Hardly anyone organizes the new house in one day, so it's okay if you have boxes left over for later.

Do you need to move abroad quickly and efficiently? Look no further than International Movers & Overseas Shipping Company! Our experienced team offers fast, professional moving services to make sure your relocation is stress-free. Call us today and let us help you start your next adventure!

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