Skin Cancer - Important Facts to Know About this Deadly Disease

Posted by Siddhartha R.
Aug 1, 2018
Skin cancer is one of the dangerous forms of diseases that arise with the abnormal growth of skin cells. The area that remains exposed to sun rays is more prone to this disease. This disease usually originates from the cells of the epidermis, i.e. the superficial layer of the skin. Skin cancer affects people irrespective of colors, races, etc., and people with bright are more prone to this disease.

 Cancer to the skin is common all over the world, but Australia has got the highest rates so far. This post mainly deals with some useful facts about skin cancer. So, do buy some time to go through the post to protect yourself as well as the loved ones.

Remember prevention is always better than cure, so having valid information about the same might help in the early detection of the same.

Potential Risk Factors for this Deadly Disease

Some of the most common risk factors for skin cancer are:

Overexposure to ultraviolet light, from the sun or tanning. This is common in the areas that are close to the high elevation or are close to the equator that receives an excessive amount of sunlight.
Exposure of the skin to ionizing radiation or chemical ill-famed for over disposing of cancer like arsenic
Chronically suppressed immune system (also known as immunosuppression in medical terms)
Some sexually acquired wart virus infections

It is always good to go for a skin cancer check in Leichhardt or in any other given location in the country as well as in all over the world to know whether the person has an infection with the disease or not.

Causes of Skin Cancer

Apart from some of the rare cases, this particular infection arises from the mutations of DNA. UV rays affecting the epidermis on the skin also induce the same. In most of the cases, doctors have been successful in controlling the cause of this disease through natural immune surveillance. But in case the system in compromises, it might result in the development of masses of malignant cells that turns into tumors.

Different Types Cancer

This is one of the most dangerous forms of skin cancer because it spreads more quickly as compared to any other form of cancer related to skin. This particular form happens when pigment producing cells known as melanocytes transform and gets cancerous. 

Basal Cell Carcinoma
This is one of the most common forms of cancer and includes more than 90% of the cases for the illness. This happens around the neck and in the head, and this rarely spreads to different parts of the body.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma
This form affects the cells present in the outer layer of the epidermis and is more aggressive as compared to the previous. The worse thing is that it can spread to the whole body if the person fails to take preventive measures against the same.

It is always important to see professional Leichhardt doctors or from any preferred location to get this disease treated well. In case the person makes delay in the treatment, the results could be disastrous.

Having consultation with professional doctors would be of great help as they know the best ways to deal with this deadly health disorder.
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