Significance of Microbiome Screening Test in Victoria for Overall Wellbeing and Health

Posted by Kriben Govender
Jan 22, 2018
Some research in Australia has shown that microorganisms or microbes specifically help prevent certain disease conditions. Researchers were able to trigger metabolic changes in laboratory animals by simply eradicating four species of bacteria (Candidatus arthromitus, Rikenelleceae, Lactobacillus, and Allobaculum) that led to certain disorders such as obesity and diabetics.

Studies have also found that the gut bacteria influence the immune system of many individuals residing in Australia.  The inflammatory response of the individual response starts in his gut and systematically travels to the brain that subsequently sends signals to the rest of the body of the patient in an extremely complex feedback loop.

Microbiome may actually by one of the preeminent factors that effectively determining the overall longevity according to the same research conducted in Australia.

Microbiome tests in victoria, Australia

With Microbiome Screening Test in Victoria, individuals and their doctors will diagnose the medical conditions associated with gut. Stool analysis identifies microbes in the gut that might be affecting the health using DNA sequencing technology. 

Why microbiome tests in Australia?

The analysis detects systematically beneficial as well as pathogenic microorganism like Bacteria, Yeast and E Coli associated with specific infections and gut conditions including Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), and Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD).  Obesity, diabetes, ulcerative colitis, and Crohn’s disease can also be caused due to bad bacteria or microorganism.

Easy to use sample collection kit

The sample collection kit is send to the individual once he ordered. It includes clear and simple     instruments and everything that the individual need to send the stool sample to the verified laboratory. The sample collection kit consists of test tube with preservative that will preserve the integrity of the microbial DNA for several months till the sample is analysed. 

Simple and mess-free

The sample collection requires only a small sample of faecal (stool) matter from the toilet paper. It is enough to tint cotton swab.


The microbial DNA from the stool sample of the patient is extracted using cutting-edge DNA sequencing technology. Then, the experienced professionals discover and systematically quantify the group of microorganism present in the gut of the patient. Some of the common types of bacterial colonies found in gut of the patients are Fusobacteria, Firmicutes, Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Actinobacteria, Tenericutes, and Cyanobacteria.

Detailed reporting

Approximately 4-6 weeks of receiving the stool sample, company sends an easy to understand detail report that explains the groups of bacteria or other microorganism present inside the gut of the individual living in victoria. 

In addition, the professionals also conduct a deeper analysis for identification of different species of microorganisms such as bacteria and yeast in the sample of the patient.

The team of experts will also identify correlation between the healthy individuals and the sample of the patient based on the answer to the health and lifestyle survey conducted during the beginning of the analysis.

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