Role of NGOs in Urban & Rural Transformation

Posted by Rajat S G.
Oct 3, 2020

NGOs are organizations that are independent of any government involvement or influence. They are usually nonprofit organizations and most of them have a high degree of public trust.  The best NGOs in India are responsible for a variety of services and charitable functions such as bringing citizen concerns to Governments, promote and supervise policies, and encourage political participation through the provision of information.

India, the land of villages, has a wide scope of development and transformation in every sphere of life. Development is required not just in the economic sector, but also in the social front, quality of life, empowerment of women and child development, education, and awareness of its citizen.

India is a developing country and the difficulty of life in most of the developing countries is extremely alarming. The majority of the population in the developing countries fall under the poverty line and lead a completely different lifestyle as compared to those residing in developed countries. They face many issues relating to health and basic commodities such as food, clothes, and shelter.

The education NGOs in India plays a very crucial role in promoting education in India. Both geographically and demographically India is a vast country and the Government alone can not bring all children into the fold of education. The role of NGOs in spreading awareness about the importance of child education is vital as here the retention rate in schools is abysmally low and the status of girl child education is worst.  They make sure that the benefits of education reach the lowest strata of society.

The best thing about these nonprofit organizations is that they work not only at the grass-root level, connecting with the masses and spreading awareness on the importance of getting a good education to move ahead in life, they also encourage people to donate for a child.  Education is the most effective and the only medium which has the potential to bring a positive transformation in the lives of the poorest of the poor.

Since ancient times, social service has been an integral part of the growth and development of Indian society. But NGOs face a lot of hurdles on the way to rural development. One of them being their dependency upon government funds or external donations. Though they organize various programs and social events to reach the educated and affluent class of the urban society and try to influence them to donate money for orphans, their dependency on the governmental funds makes them less flexible in carrying out their tasks. Besides this, the structure of the NGOs has become very complex and that leads to a decreased effectiveness in the overall development of Indian society.

Despite having many challenges, NGOs have an immense role in bringing about social change and development and it is being experienced from different parts of the country.  It is a well-known fact that development in the Indian context is a multi-faceted process, which essentially involves the active participation from the masses which would not be possible unless and until they are educated, awakened, and motivated. NGOs are taking up this job sportingly and successfully arranging for donation for poor child education.

NGOs are actively working for the betterment of women, the most vulnerable section of Indian society. Here gender discrimination is a ubiquitous cultural reality. Girls are discriminated against in the upbringing pattern in many families. Women are forced to be housewives and denied participation in gainful economic activities outside their homes. But slowly gradually a positive transformation is happening and more and more women are coming out of the four walls of their houses and getting actively involved in various socio-economic fields.

Ensuring Humanism by fighting against human rights violations, social exclusions, domestic violence, motivating people to donate to charity online are some of the common objectives of the NGOs. They are working relentlessly for the betterment of child education and the social status of women. Bringing positive changes is possible if only the inhabitants of the country are educated and respect each other irrespective of their gender, class, and religion.

SOS Children's Villages is a self implementing child care NGO. We support over 25,000 children across India through our Family Based Care.

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