Reasons Why You Need a Fitness instructor for Your Wellbeing

Posted by Glenn Bowden
Jul 14, 2023

A fitness instructor is essential for attaining your fitness goals, regardless of whether they revolve around weight loss, sports performance, or overall athleticism. Here the author has compiled the most significant justifications for having a fitness or personal trainer and the advantages you can expect from working with one.


The abundance of free fitness guides and tips available on the internet and social media is undoubtedly beneficial. However, it can often be overwhelming and more confusing than helpful. Determining which workout plans are suitable for your goals, identifying effective strategies, understanding the necessary exercise equipment, and ensuring your adherence to a workout plan can feel like an intimidating task. If you find yourself relating to these challenges, considering the assistance of a personal trainer can be an excellent solution to receive personalised guidance.


The decision to hire a personal trainer is significant, and it may involve a substantial financial commitment. However, the investment of your time and resources can be highly worthwhile, even if you can only engage with a trainer for a short period. A fitness instructor possesses the expertise to customise a plan specifically tailored to your needs, offering invaluable support and holding you accountable throughout your fitness journey. Whether you are a beginner or someone looking to resume exercising after a break, a personal trainer is an ideal professional to ensure that you perform exercises correctly and stay fit.


Here are the key reasons why you need a fitness instructor for your overall wellbeing.


Enhanced Motivation:

Training with a fitness trainer can significantly boost your motivation levels. They will encourage you to push beyond your usual limits, urging you to complete that extra repetition or go the extra mile. This increased motivation accelerates your progress, allowing you to set more challenging goals and still strive to achieve them within your desired timeframe.


Fitness Expertise: 

Personal trainers have undergone certified training courses to acquire extensive knowledge in health and fitness. They possess an in-depth understanding of anatomy, physiology, and how the body functions, enabling them to guide you safely towards your goals. You can trust your personal trainer to provide reliable advice on nutrition, training methods, and supplements, and address any other health and fitness-related queries you may have.


Improved Technique:

Proper form and technique are crucial in effective fitness training. The better your technique, the more efficient your workouts become, leading to faster achievement of your fitness objectives. Incorrect form is a common cause of gym injuries. By prioritising the correct technique, you reduce the risk of injury and prevent wasting energy on unintended muscle groups during exercises.



Working with a personal trainer increases your accountability in your fitness journey. It's easier to skip a workout when you're on your own, but having a trainer by your side keeps you more committed. You're more likely to stick to your program and adhere to your exercise and nutrition plans, especially when you have to report back to your trainer regularly.


Personalised Training Plan:

Personal trainers excel in designing tailored, performance-enhancing programs to help you reach your specific goals. These programs are customised exclusively for your needs, rather than relying on generic, one-size-fits-all plans found online. A personalised training program outlines your goals, the steps to achieve them, and realistic timelines for accomplishing milestones.


Increased Confidence:

Working with a personal trainer, who possesses fitness knowledge and experience, can significantly boost your confidence. You'll gain a clear understanding of how to perform exercises correctly and which exercises are most effective for your goals. This newfound confidence in the gym translates into other areas of your life, empowering you to tackle challenges with self-assurance.


Specialised Support for Illness or Injury:

If you have a specific illness or injury, a personal trainer or exercise referral instructor can provide specialised training methods and exercises to aid in your recovery. They are trained to cater to various requirements, accommodating conditions such as obesity, hypertension, back pain, and more. Despite limiting circumstances, these instructors ensure that your workouts remain effective and tailored to your needs.


Collaborating with a personal trainer can be instrumental in cultivating a healthy lifestyle. A personal trainer assists you in implementing gradual changes and provides support throughout your fitness journey. It is important, however, to ensure that the trainer you choose is capable of accommodating your unique needs.


Before hiring a personal trainer, communicate your goals and any medical conditions or previous injuries you may have. This information enables them to develop a customised plan that takes your health into consideration. Additionally, clearly express your expectations to your trainer, ensuring a supportive environment that facilitates your goal attainment. Building an understanding and positive relationship with your trainer is crucial for maintaining motivation and focus as you work towards your objectives. 


Glenn Bowden is a professional and enthusiastic fitness instructor associated with BeMyFreelancer, a one-stop online destination to get connected with the top fitness trainers in Australia. The author has written this article to let you know the reasons why a personal trainer is important for your wellbeing.

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