Pros of Working out During Periods
During periods, females do not want to get up from the bed but exercising can actually make them feel relaxed. Performing aerobics, light cardio, Yoga, etc. can be beneficial during periods.
Exercising seems to be a good thought but what if aunt flow comes knocking just to interrupt your gym routine? No one wants to work out during periods but exercising actually has positive effects on the body. Working out during periods can help in easing down the pain coming from cramps in the body. It is not necessary to follow a strict workout regime during menstruation but going for a walk or performing light-weight exercises will be enough.
It seems impossible to even get up and grab a glass of water but the trick to ease down the pain is to actually indulge in physical activities. It helps in boosting the mood, easing menstrual cramps, cures headache and fatigue, normalizing irregular periods, combats bloating, etc.
There is a study which states that women experienced a decrease in their pain after working out and that they were feeling much worse before they had not exercised. Read further to know what all exercises can be performed during periods:
● Stretching is the easiest form of exercise and can be performed inside the living room. One does not have to step outside of the house to perform stretching. This particular form of workout helps in the lengthening of the muscles and reducing cramps. Stretching poses like curl-up pose, child’s pose, hip-hang pose, block out pose, stomach release pose, etc. are helpful in alleviating painful cramps.
● Performing aerobics during menstruation is also effective in dealing with painful cramps. Doing physical activities like running, spinning and dancing can help increase blood circulation in the body and reduce menstrual pain. Doing dance at home can also be helpful in reducing pain and boosting the mood.
● Performing Yoga during menstruation has multiple benefits. Yoga is known to be helpful in fighting with anxiety, depression, breast tenderness and cold sweats. This form of exercise also helps in opening up the tight areas of the body. Performing Yoga poses meant for abdomen can help in soothing the painful muscles.
● Doing light cardio like running on a treadmill or Pilates can be helpful in alleviating the pain. Performing low-impact cardio will not make one tired and also boost the mood. In addition to this, going out for a walk with the dog or swimming for an hour can be relaxing for the muscles. For those who are into sports, it is not necessary to miss the matches as that will make one feel worse.
● Lifting weights while the aunt flow has paid a visit is recommended as that will help in loosening the muscles. It is not necessary to go to the gym and do the lifting; if someone has light weights at home then the exercise can even be done at home.
To ensure smooth periods, using extra long sanitary napkins can be a great idea. For the first two days, females usually experience heavy flow, during which extra long sanitary pads can be used. One can easily afford sanitary napkins as pads price is not that high.
Nowadays, brands have also started selling pantyliners to absorb vaginal discharge which starts before the start of menstruation. Pantyliners in India are available in various sizes which help in keeping the panty clean and fresh.