Positive Self-Talk: Harness The Power To Increase Confidence

Posted by Kazi asif Mahmud
Nov 11, 2020

Positive self-talk is the ability to talk to oneself. We engage in self-talk every day, from the thoughts we have inside our minds to the stories we tell ourselves.


All of life can be seen as a conversation, as stories. A story is essentially any belief, thought, or reality we tell our self is real. The existence and the universe itself are an interweaving mix of stories, both individual and collective. In this respect, the mind is an incredibly powerful tool and can be seen as the root of everything. 


All problems, extraordinary creations, worries and concerns, genius ideas, fears and insecurities, and solutions stem from the mind. Therefore, we have the power to create, shape, and destroy through the power of our thoughts alone.


When we refer to creating, shaping, and destroying, there are some profound implications. The power to create is a gift, a blessing; the whole of life is an act of creation. Our minds being a tool to do so show just how special we are. The ability to shape suggests we can restructure the world around us with our thoughts, beliefs, intentions, perceptions, and impressions. There is great power in self-talk, reshaping, and restructuring our environments. 


Finally, the ability to destroy or destruct teaches us just how essential it is to engage in positive, healthy, and healing self-talk and thinking, not only for ourselves but for others.


What do we mean when we say healing? 


Well, it is relatively simple! 


All of life involves duality - light and dark, day and night, creation, and destruction. Everything can be seen to exist in a state of balance, equilibrium, and wholeness. The planet herself aims to retain wholeness as she is one living conscious entity, all of the different parts interacting to make up the whole. Simultaneously our bodies are designed to achieve and maintain homeostasis, a state of balance, health, and equilibrium. So in this respect, it can be suggested that the planet, our bodies, and all of life itself is in a constant state of healing, forever seeking to achieve and maintain wholeness.


Our minds are the tools to do so. The mind is a powerful thing, and daily life can either be heaven or hell based on the stories, the self-talk we tell ourselves. Suppose our thoughts have such a powerful influence on not only our inner world but our outer worlds. In that case, this suggests that harnessing the force of self-talk and positive thinking could be one of the most essential, beneficial, and self-loving things we do for ourselves.


How to Think Positively


Thinking positively is very similar to self-talk, although not identical. Just as self-talk is the conversations we have with ourselves, thinking positively or positive thinking is the energy, direction, and focus, we give our conversations. Now, at this stage, it is essential to note that thinking positively is not synergistic with being happy or joyful all the time. 


There are many cases where one needs or wants to think positively when their feelings, inner world, or external situation may be excruciating, sad, or neutral. Having a positive mindset or engaging in positive thinking can apply a positive and optimistic outlook to any situation in life, intending to better oneself, another, or some situation or scenario. Using positive thinking to self-talk, therefore, can have some beautiful effects.


Combining positive thinking with the stories we tell ourselves can improve all aspects of life. Relationships, both intimate and platonic, work, health and vitality, focus and concentration, abilities and mindset, passion and excitement for life, and the openness to learn and engage in personal projects, dreams, and ambitions are all areas that can be enhanced dramatically with positive self-talk. When we engage in self-talk, we have a conversation with ourselves. As the self is a complicated, interactive, holistic, and a rather extraordinary thing, applying positive thinking and mental patterns will greatly benefit us.


So how do we think positively? Well, as already shared, thinking positively is not all about rainbows and unicorns. Positive thinking is accepting and embracing the shadow, those dark or less favorable aspects of both self and life, and choosing to change perspectives to one’s positive. The key is being conscious.


Choice is a significant factor when reshaping and restructuring thoughts.


When we choose to think positively, we are restructuring, recalibrating, and reshaping our brains, the neurons inside, and the thought patterns and programs which affect daily life. As you are aware, our thoughts profoundly influence everything, both our inner world and state of internal health and outer environment. So, shifting perspectives to those more in alignment and harmony with a reality rooted in love, positivity, unity, connection, abundance, bliss, new opportunities, experiences, and anything else positively associated with a positive, healthy mindset actively influences the focus of our awareness.


The best analogy to use is to imagine a spotlight. 


Picture the universe - the sky and stars at night, and equate it with consciousness (the unconscious mind, subconscious mind, and conscious mind: all of consciousness and thought). Now visualize shining a torch into the night’s sky with a focused intention of lighting up one specific star, planet, or far away galaxy. The light is your intention and focus.


You are still aware of all of the other stars, planets, and galaxies that exist, but in that moment of shining your light directly on one object, thing, or place, your mind became attuned to it. Your awareness shifted, and everything else in the sky - all of the other elements of consciousness, of the universe, ceased to exist. They, of course, we're still always there, but the point is that in those moments of directed awareness and intended focus, the only thing which had all your energy and mental concentration was the thing you choose to shine your light on. You were intentionally lighting up something.


This is essentially what happens when we choose consciously to engage in positive thinking. The darkness and all other elements of existence are still there and exist. It is just our focus, which actively and consciously has a profound effect on whatever we are shining our light at or on. This can be seen as the fundamental essence of thinking positively, that there will always be light and dark, shine, and shadow, but we still have the choice to shine the light. Our minds have the power to illuminate.


Positive thinking can be achieved through many methods, including neurolinguistics programming, meditation and mindfulness, mantras and affirmations, cognitive shaping, certain forms of sound therapy such as binaural beats, and self-hypnosis/ positive self-talk. My favorite method is relaxing in a crystal bath. These baths will restore you while bringing your life back into balance. It's imperative to make time each week to keep your mind and body in great shape. Using crystals with positive self-talk can have some beautiful effects, especially when you are in a relaxed state.  


Now it's your time to start to create a more optimistic outlook. Remember, positive self-talk has health benefits such as better physical well-being, less stress, improved immune functions, and increase vitality.  





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