Pointers to keep in mind for dealing PMS naturally
Bloating and mood swings are a part and parcel of periods. One should focus on eating vitamin supplements to treat the symptoms naturally.
PMS (Premenstrual syndrome) has both physical and emotional symptoms. Females experience swollen breasts, constipation, bloating, headaches, etc. before the onset of periods. Emotional changes such as feeling sad, food cravings, anxiety, mood swings, etc. are also common in females. Let’s read further to know how one can get a relief from all these symptoms naturally by following a few tips:
· Exercising
Doing aerobics, walking and swimming throughout the month will help women in lowering down the level of estrogen in the body. Working out also helps in relieving one from stress and improves the mood. Cramps during PMS can be treated with exercise as it boosts the production of endorphins in the body -- hormones which are natural painkillers.
· Improving Diet
Females should focus on eating smaller meals as it will help in reducing bloating in the body. Minimum salt should be added to the food being consumed before and during periods to avoid fluid retention. Calcium is one important mineral as it helps in reducing headaches, mood swings and cramps. If calcium is consumed along with magnesium, the muscle activities can be controlled effectively. Eating fruits, vegetables and whole grains is also recommended.
Eating high fiber food items can help in maintaining a proper hormonal balance and reducing the effect of hormonal imbalance. Green vegetables are a great source of magnesium, calcium and Vitamin K -- and all three combined can help treated muscle cramps. Flaxseeds should be a part of the diet when on periods because these seeds help in maintaining estrogen metabolism. Except for these items, one can also include wheat germs and avocado in the diet.
· Include Supplements
Eating supplements rich in Vitamin B 6 can help in maintaining estrogen metabolism. Consuming chaste berry is crucial to maintain the balance of both estrogen and progesterone hormones. Progesterone cream is also known for maintaining a balance in between hormones.
Except for these, females can eat ashwagandha and holy basil to reduce cortisol and balance the hormones in the body. For females who face severe bloating and bleed heavily during periods, using antibacteria overnight sanitary napkins is a good idea. It will ensure that there is no leakage and wetness when one is asleep when on periods.
For females who have been facing the problem of rashes every time on periods, using antibacterial sanitary pads is recommended. These pads are able to absorb all the moisture and stop the formation of any bacteria. Both antibacterial sanitary napkins and bodyfit overnight napkins are available at the nearby general stores or can be purchased online.
Antibacterial pads are made in a way to make sure there is minimal leakage and smell when the flow is on its peak. Anti-bacteria pads of certain brands have a green sheet embedded on them which stops the production of different kinds of bacteria.
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