Planning to buy a portable air conditioner in India? Don’t forget to check these pointers.

Posted by Amili R.
Aug 8, 2019
The field of air home air conditioning has evolved a lot in recent times with the influx of new-age products that deliver great cooling and unmatched energy efficiency. As an air conditioner is a product that consumes huge chunks of power during operation, people always look for the highest ISEER rating AC that provides energy-efficient performance. In regard to this, portable air conditioner seems be a great choice.

If you’re lured to buy a portable air conditioner in India you really need to read this, because that lower price comes with a lot of issues and hidden costs.

1. They are inefficient

Central air conditioners should possess a minimum of 13 SEER/11 EER efficiency rating. Portable systems have way less – even when the manufacturers mention them. A sudden inspection of portable air conditioners on a leading electronic store revealed that the efficiency rating wasn’t even mentioned. Of the ones that were available, the best had a rating of 9.5.

That simply means you pay a lot more on electricity bills than a central air system for the same level of cooling.

2. They are meant for small spaces

A licensed air conditioner installer will precisely compare the size of your room with the air conditioner, so as to ensure that you get the appropriate amount of cooling power. This ensures that you get an even amount of cooling throughout your home.

A portable unit is found to be capable of treating only a smaller area. Basis the size of the unit you invest in, you may only be able to cool only a single room.

3. They make noise

In case of a central air conditioning system, the condenser unit is placed outside. In case of a portable air conditioner in India, it’s stays right in your living space. As a large number of people need proper cooling for sound sleep, such kind of noise is can be very disturbing.

4. They are visually appealing

While manufacturers try very hard to make portable air conditioners look awesome, they always appear like a big box in your living space. If you’re striving to make the most of your decor, this is truly not a feasible option. And that’s not even consider the big hose that pops out from its back.

When you look at a picture of a portable AC, you’ll come to know that they never reveal the giant exhaust hose that should go out of the window. Despite, it’s a major component of a portable AC. All air conditioners need a place to dump their heat. With a central system, the warm air is transferred outdoors where the condenser unit enables the heat to do away. With a portable, it passes only through the hose.

5. Hose is a big problem

Though most of the sellers claim that portable ACs need zero installation, the truth is that you need to set up the window kit that puts the exhaust hose in place. This window kit simply means that your window is not fully closed or locked. That poses a risk to the security.

Although you can take down the kit to close the window, it asks for high amounts of time and is really irritating, as there are lots of parts to deal with.

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