Paul Mitchell Forever Blonde Shampoo - Best Review

Posted by Tyler T.
Dec 26, 2019
Hey everyone Long time no sees. I'm doing a Hot or Not article and it's on the Paul Mitchell forever blonde shampoo and conditioner. And let me tell you I feel like I've found a hot product. As far as shampoo conditioner goes I write this on a scale of one to 10. 

This is hot in my book. I am sad to kind of. Switch my shampoo up and move to something else. I have been using this since April and. I'm normally in about every four to five months to change my shampoo.

So it's getting about that time and here is just kind of getting used to the product. But overall this has been great Paul Mitchell Forever Blonde Shampoo. Since April and it's been good to use during the summer. It helps eliminate brassy tones. 

So if you have blonde hair and you like to use a shampoo and conditioner that is good to neutralize blonde to make it brighter and shinier. I think you'll love this product. One of the key points that I want to make is it does have a little bit of.

Conditioning to it so it moisturizes the hair but it doesn't weigh it down. So if you're really worried about being too heavy it's not a super heavy or oily shampoo conditioner but you do get moisture from it. It also has a little bit of like a complex which is good for the protein in your hair. 

So if you tend to have brittle hair after it's highlighted it will help make it stronger. So to me, it is everything that you need for highlighted hair and it's a really good combination. Now I will tell you I do have coarse thicker hair so if you have hair.

That is my texture. I think you will be completely satisfied with this product. But I also feel like somebody with more just medium to normal. Texture hair would be happy with it too because it's not like super heavy to me. I haven't tried any of the other styling products by the forever blonde line. 

So if any of you have I would love to know in the comment section because I would be open to trying them if you want to review these retail for around like I want to say twenty-one to twenty-two a bottle and if you're a hairstylist you can get these at Cosmo prof and if you are just an individual consumer you can get these anywhere that sells PAUL MITCHELL Products I think all to have this and I will say these.

The shaving industry lost on me for about a month and a half to two months which is pretty good. And the price point is fair. Like it's not as high end as say pure ology or Kevin Murphy where you're looking at like 30 dollars a bottle. But you know it's not drugstore either but you get what you pay for and these are worth buying and taking out if you have blond hair. I think you'll love it. We'll see are there any other points I do want to mention.

When I use this product like I probably I use around say like a quarter size of shampoo and I usually just shampoo once and then with conditioner I use probably like a little more than a quarter size and run it through my hair and that's about all I do. But it's very creamy. You do get a lather with this. 

It's not like some shampoos where you have to use a ton of product and not one of the reasons why I can get by with only shampooing once it's I feel like I get a really good lather but it's not like it doesn't leave your hair dry like some shampoo where you lather and your hair feels like straw afterwards.

So I am very pleased with this. I give this a nine overall. Check these out. And if you have any questions feel free to leave them in the comments section below. See you later guys.

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