Outline the Causes and Treatments for Male Infertility

Posted by Shivani Sachdev
Feb 5, 2023

About 1 in 7 couples is infertile, meaning they haven't conceived a child despite having regular, unprotected sex for at least a year. One or more male factors are at play in at least half of all instances of infertility.


To put it simply, male infertility may be brought on by a lack of sperm production, defective sperm function, or physical barriers that prevent sperm from reaching an egg. In addition, male infertility may be caused by several things, including illness, injury, chronic health issues, lifestyle choices, and more.


Men having trouble becoming pregnant should take comfort in the fact that there are a variety of effective therapies available at the fertility clinic in Delhi.


Causes of male infertility

The level of fertility you experience may be affected by a wide variety of internal and external circumstances. Some of the possibilities are:


·       Azoospermia: The inability to create sperm cells may be the cause of your infertility.

·       Oligospermia: Poor sperm quality or quantity production.

·       Genetic disorders: Klinefelter's syndrome, myotonic dystrophy, microdeletion, and many more are all examples.

·       Malformed sperm: Sperm that are unable to survive for the required time to fertilize an egg.

·       Several health issues: Some infections, autoimmune diseases, and even diabetes fall into this category.

·       Certain medicines and supplements.

·       Varicoceles: Because of the overheating that results from the enlarged veins on the testicles, the quality and quantity of your sperm may be compromised.

·       Treatments for Cancer: Treatment options may include chemotherapy, radiotherapy, or a surgical procedure to remove the testicles (one or both).

·       Poor lifestyle choices: Use of drugs, alcohol, and other substances.

·       Experiencing testicular trauma.

·       Hormonal problems: Infertility may be caused by hypothalamic or pituitary disorders.



Infertility is a common medical problem for which a precise etiology is often unknown. However, infertility doctors in Delhi may be able to suggest treatments or procedures that will lead to conception.


It is advised that the female spouse be examined in situations of infertility. In addition, your spouse may benefit from individualized treatment plans. 


Some treatments for male infertility are as follows:

·       Surgery: Some conditions, including a varicocele or a vas deferens obstruction, may be treated surgically. It is possible to undo a previous vasectomy. When there are no sperm in the ejaculate, the infertility doctors in Delhi may typically harvest sperm from the testicles or epididymis.


·       Infection treatment: An infection in the reproductive system may sometimes be treated with antibiotics, although this doesn't always result in total fertility being restored.


·       Treatments for issues with sexual activity: Fertility issues, like erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation, may be treated with medication or therapy.


·       Medicines and therapies for hormones: If the doctor at the fertility clinic in Delhi determines that your infertility is due to an imbalance of hormones or difficulties with how your body utilizes hormones, they may prescribe hormone replacement therapy or other drugs.


·       Use of assisted reproductive technology (ART): You may get sperm via ART by having your partner ejaculate, usually by having a surgical extraction or by using a sperm donor. The sperm are utilized for in vitro fertilization, intracytoplasmic sperm injection, or insertion into the female vaginal canal.



Technology at SCI IVF Hospital has made it possible for 90% of infertile men to have biological children. Some surgeries and procedures may be tried, as well as lifestyle modifications that can reduce the likelihood of infertility.


However, it is essential to remember that you should see a skilled doctor like Dr Shivani Sachdev Gour if you and your spouse have not been successful in conceiving a child after one year of unprotected sex.

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