April 24, "Go Africa"
Dr. Tarek Tantawi Summary:
No one can deny the investment toward Africa. Africa is a virgin continent full of plenty of investments: mining, real estate, education, etc. with around 1B people. We have many connections in Africa, 50 some countries tied together.
The Egypt team is working on a massive project about education and administration. It will blow your minds; the first administrative website for English and Arabic speakers, how to develop countries, governments, and organizations all over the world. Egypt and Dubai teams are working on this Massive website, nearly to be finished after one year of work. This is one of the secretes to be disclosed to you only, now. It will target companies, countries, and government sectors and departments how to convert their teams into professional teams. It has plenty of topics to be covered; one million templets translated from English to Arabic and vise a versa., with about 1000 summarized books.
It is the first website to serve all over the Arabic and non-Arabic countries, targeting more to the English, Arabic and French speaking areas to cover all the potentials of investment in Africa. I spoke with Mr. Ash to start investing in Africa starting with Egypt about 3.5 years ago, and he gave me the green card to start establishing this in Africa. I am sharing only one of the projects we are working on that will turn the face of the world in education and business development.
This is the first time the non-English speaker will be able to deal with business development with aspects such as strategic planning not only for organizations, but we have many templates and summarized projects for governments and such. For example, if you want to work with your government in a specific aspects of development, we will provide you with the templates, the case studies, and full information in one place to help your project.
I would like to stress on one aspect. I am so proud to be an African. We trust ONPASSIVE and the teams in India, Dubai and Egypt under the leadership of Mr. Ash Mufareh, we work only for your benefit. This is our oath, word and promise to you. There are many people working for the entire ONPASSIVE family all over the world.
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Thanks to Peter Surur, Janet Butler, and Dan Street for help with these notes.
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