NYC Uber & Lyft Rideshare Injury Attorney in Bronx, Brooklyn & Manhattan Lawsuit

Posted by PRC Agency
Jan 28, 2020

Uber - the #1 ride-sharing app in the united states - supplanted the seemingly ubiquitous yellow cabs as the #1 provider of ride-for-hire services in New York City, as the city’s urban landscape continues to shift. Other ride-share companies, like Lyft, have further eaten into the total amount of traffic hailing the traditional yellow cabs. In many respects, this is a good thing - a free-market solution to the craps-shoot that was hailing a cab and hoping it was clean and didn’t smell or leave a residue on the rider - a stereotype rooted in truth as anyone who has hailed a few NYC Taxi Cabs can attest. Uber and Lyft drivers are often rated by their riders, which gives them an incentive to score highly in quality, thereby making them more desirable for future hailings. In a sense, it provides a level of accountability to each driver for their vehicle that was at least less apparent in the traditional yellow cab scenario.

New York City residents injured by a Rideshare Vehicle - Uber, Lyft, or Yellow Cab Taxi - should seek medical treatment for any injuries, then immediately call (212) 421-0300 to schedule a no-cost consultation with an Uber & Lyft Rideshare Injury Attorney Specialist at the Law Office of Richard M. Kenny.

However, with the flood of new driver-owned/operated rideshare franchisees, an influx in traffic has accompanied this cottage industry of rideshare vehicles - and that often means individuals who were less adept at driving are on the roads more often. While many of them will adapt and gain the skills needed - especially over time. But others, less skilled than their more road-wizened yellow cab counterparts will cause accidents - and with accidents come property damage, physical injury, and death. Insurance companies provide some coverage, and drivers generally are required to carry liability of up to $2M in coverage, but that doesn’t mean that the average person who is injured will be able to recover even close to the cost of their damages from insurance companies - whose interests defacto lay in paying out no more than is necessary in order to maximize profitability.

For that reason, New Yorkers living in the boroughs who have been injured by an Uber, Lyft or Taxi / Yellow cab in NYC should contact a competent injury attorney who specializes in Rideshare Injuries, and the best option for many would be the Law Office of Richard M. Kenny, which can be reached at the information below, or by calling (212) 421-0300. Mr. Kenny’s firm provides a completely free consultation and receives no payment unless they secure a settlement for their clients - often in the $1+ Million dollar range. While those settlements can seem large, they help clients to cover the various costs incurred in an injury with a Uber, Lyft, or other Rideshare vehicles - which can include damage to one’s own vehicle, as well as medical expenses, therapy costs, and replacement of lost wages from time off of work to handle the damages and recovery from the accident - or even the permanent loss of ability to work.

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