New era of integrated Public Relations and Digital Marketing

Posted by The Yellow Coin
Jun 22, 2019

Earlier, Public Relations and Digital marketing were considered as two entirely different wings in an organisation. Public relations team would look after the media relations of an organisation, brand image and perception of the brand along with the brand image of the spokesperson in the company, whereas digital marketing would look after the online promotion of the brand and directly connects with people.

The 21st century is all about digitalizing your work, transformation from manual work to mechanical work. Even in the marketing field, a lot of changes were made. New tools and techniques are developed to create an integrated team of public relations and the digital marketing team. Since most of the public relations task was done manually, newswires websites were created where companies could upload their press releases and the media outlets would pick up the news they require. This method also helped companies in understanding what the competitors are doing in the market and how they are approaching their customers.

How digital marketing has influenced customers:

Since PR firms have been creating content for years, they have the skills and knowledge to promote the brand in the right manner without making it obvious since SEO tools and techniques are being used to provide the links or data to the customers. The right SEO keywords in the content will help the ranking of the company during a Google search or on other websites.

With the help of machine learning, artificial intelligence and big data, information about customers from various segments are collected. This method helps in the process of product development of a company; therefore the company is able to provide the exact product they require. It also helps in promoting the brand through pop-up ads or video ads being played on multiple social media platforms. It's the best way to create brand awareness and exposure for the product and company and mass number of people get to know about the brand and can connect personally with the company

There are other techniques like social media campaigns, playable ads and other methods which are created through the digital medium but helps in maintaining the public and media relations. Therefore, it is recommended that hiring an agency which provides integrated social media marketing services is the best option for any company. Similarly, there are PR Companies in Delhi along with SEO Services in Delhi which your company can opt for; these companies will help you gain the right exposure for your company

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