Neodymium Magnets – Durable and Powerful Magnets
Magnets are divided into different categories and choosing the best one is one of the important decisions to make – that depends on industrial uses and your requirement. Neodymium Magnets are one of them – the most vital and advanced magnet types that have their importance and value. These high-grade and advanced magnets are dark gray alloy that are offered in rectangular and disk shape. Iron and boron are the two main metal types or material used for the composition of Neodymium magnets. They come with the density of 0.27Lb/in3 (7.5g/cm3). Neodymium magnets are manufactured in a metallurgy process through alloying, crushing, powdering, pressing w/magnetic orientation, sintering, then cutting, coating, inspecting and packing before shipment.
Features of Neodymium Magnets – Know before Placing Your Order
Neodymium Magnets are available with a number of added features that are making them ideal to use. Some of the main features of such magnets include, but not limited to:
Most powerful
Strong resistance to demagnetization
Low working temperature
High cost
Easily corrupted
Hard and brittle
Calculation Tools, including Flux Density and Pull Force Determination
There is a lot more associated with such magnet types. You have to choose the right one, go through the details and make a contact. Go online and you will find a number of reputed manufacturers bringing to you high-grade and advanced magnets that are used in different applications and industries. Choose the best one, go through the details or know about the features and place your order accordingly.
According to experts, Neodymium magnets offer the highest (BH) max and high Hci; while (BH) max, the maximum energy product, of neodymium magnets is highest of any kind of permanent magnets today in the world. (BH)max at different grades of neodymium magnets is 27 to 52 MGOe. Such kind of magnets are known for having extremely resistance quality to demagnetization with Hci, Intrisic coercive force, over 12,000 oe. It is because of the very high (BH) max and Hci. These magnets can be used as reversible medium for large amount of energy transformation in miniaturized applications; where strong magnetic demagnetization field exists like computer hard drive. They come with different added features and benefits of using them. Here, what is more important than anything else is to find the right manufacturer that is convenient for you and place your order accordingly?
Go online and it is counted as one of the ideal ways to find top manufacturers of such latest magnets as per your industry requirement. Placing your order is easier and hassle-free. So, what you are looking for, get the best range of Neodymium magnets.