Need, Principal and Types of Voltage stabilizers
Voltage stabilizers: How many appliances do we use in our daily routine? Iron, washing machine, mixer-grinder-juicer, fridge, AC, cooler and many more. Have you ever thought about what makes them work without any problem? There are voltage stabilizers only that make our appliance run properly without any interruption. The fluctuation in power is the main cause of why we need to connect the voltage stabilizer to save our appliances.
Below are some more requirements which will explain why we need a voltage stabilizer:
- The need for voltage stabilizers: The voltage stabilizer manufacturers have designed highly technical and advanced versions to serve versatility. Earlier the manual version was in trend but as the time passed manufacturers have designed automatic versions too. The automatic stabilizer makes the changeover, connection, and results faster and smoother. Every appliance manufacturer has designed it to process on a set voltage supply. In case an appliance receives less or higher than set voltage than there are 100 percent chances of damage in the appliance. The damage can be partial, insulation damage, loss of cable, it can also harm your other connected appliance. So the use of voltage appliances saves us from further loss and also serves reliability on the appliance that we use.
- The principle of voltage stabilizers: When a product is so useful and sounds interesting we automatically become crazy to know the function behind this intelligence. We have smart appliances that are designed with the purpose of safety. Isolation transformer manufacturers have also designed isolation transformers to reduce the risk of safety to the appliances and their users.
- Types of voltage stabilizer: If we see, we will find that these voltage stabilizers have become an integral part. We can not take the risk to run our expensive appliance without attaching with voltage stabilizers. These highly appreciable stabilizers are available in two different types:
- Relay type voltage stabilizers: Rely type stabilizers are manually operated stabilizers. These stabilizers need the manual operation for the changeover during power fluctuation. The manufacturers have given switch operation for this purpose.
- Controlled type voltage stabilizers. These voltage stabilizers are fully automatic. These stabilizers work independently. Manual interference is not required here for the changeover or rest of the procedure. Many of the appliances are designed with inbuilt automatic voltage stabilizers. The motive behind this is to give a longer life span to the appliance.
Consumers sometimes feel that it is a little costly to buy a separate voltage stabilizer along with their appliance and this negligence causes expensive damage to their appliance. So we should never buy an appliance without a voltage stabilizer.