Mobile Marketing for the Politicians of Indonesia

Posted by Buana Sari
Jul 18, 2024

Mobile marketing platforms have become fiercely contested spaces integral to Indonesia's democratic discourse. With over 66% of Indonesians online as internet penetration expands, mobile devices are poised to shape the 2024 polls even more profoundly than in the past (BPS-Statistics Indonesia, 2023). According to Statista, ad spending in the digital advertising market is projected to reach USD 3,052 million in 2024. In the digital advertising market, 71% of total ad spending will be generated through mobile by 2028. Data from GSMA Intelligence shows that there were 353.3 million mobile connections in Indonesia at the start of 2024, with an increase of 2.5 million (+0.7 percent) from the start of 2023.

Nearly half the country’s internet users fall between the key voting ages of 25-46, while tech-savvy millennials and Gen Z comprise over 50% of registered voters. Indonesians love the internet and social media, spending 7 hours and 42 minutes online daily—of which 3 hours and 18 minutes are on social media (Statista, 2023). Indonesia is one of the largest markets for social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, with millions of active users engaging daily through their mobile devices.

DataReportal’s figures show that there were 139.0 million active social media users in Indonesia in January 2024. Data published in Meta’s advertising resources indicates that Facebook had 117.6 million users in Indonesia in early 2024, equivalent to 42.2 percent of the total population. Google’s advertising resources indicate that YouTube had 139.0 million users in Indonesia in early 2024, while Instagram had 100.9 million users. TikTok had 126.8 million users aged 18 and above in early 2024, with its potential ad reach increasing by 17 million (+15.4 percent) between the start of 2023 and early 2024. Political campaigns have increasingly leveraged these platforms.

Joko Widodo, popularly known as Jokowi, extensively used social media-based mobile marketing platforms during his 2014 campaign, employing targeted social media ads, viral videos, and interactive content to engage young voters. In 2019, Jokowi's re-election campaign embraced mobile marketing with a more sophisticated approach, including data analytics to target undecided voters. Prabowo Subianto's 2019 campaign also focused heavily on digital and mobile marketing, creating engaging video content, targeted Facebook ads, and launching a mobile app to connect with supporters and distribute campaign materials.

During the 2024 election, presidential candidates like Prabowo Subianto, Ganjar Pranowo, and Anies Baswedan allocated significant funds to mobile marketing, spending around IDR 8.67 billion, IDR 3.6 billion, and IDR 937 million on mobile advertising respectively, highlighting the critical role of digital media in political campaigning (Source: Satuvision).

As politicians look to engage with voters, understanding their affinity for superior political content is crucial. Online and social media are increasingly playing a role in the decision-making process of young people, including political decisions. According to IDN Research Institute’s Gen Z and Millennial reports, 2024 is the "TikTok Election Year" as the platform becomes the most important source of information for this demographic. This trend underscores the need for political candidates to provide more interactive and participatory experiences via mobile marketing tools.

Marketing Experts have suggested that Indonesian politicians now have the opportunity to leverage innovative moLotus Election Promo Service to enhance mobile marketing campaign efficiency and effectiveness. Offering personalized, interactive, and spam-free mobile video messages, moLotus mobile video customer interaction platform has demonstrated success in voter engagement and turnout in the US, Malaysia, Indonesia, India, and more.

This article explores how mobile marketing platforms like Google, moLotus, Meta, TikTok, and others boost political campaigns by providing cost-effective, targeted, and scalable solutions.

1. Precision Targeting and Expansive Campaign Reach

Mobile marketing platforms offer unparalleled targeting capabilities, enabling political campaigns in Indonesia to connect with specific voter demographics precisely and effectively. These services leverage advanced technology and vast data resources to ensure that campaign messages reach the right people at the right time.

Google Ads utilizes sophisticated algorithms to target voters based on search queries, browsing behavior, and YouTube engagement. This approach allows campaigns to capture voter attention across multiple touchpoints, increasing message retention and engagement. By analyzing user behavior, Google Ads ensures that political messages are delivered to voters who are most likely to be influenced by them.

moLotus distinguishes itself by delivering messages directly to Indonesian voters' mobile inboxes, eliminating the requirement for costly data plans or mobile app installations, and ensuring nationwide reach. This unique feature enables even voters in regions with limited or no internet access to receive campaign messages. By bypassing the need for apps or expensive data plans, moLotus provides a direct and reliable communication channel, delivering personalized and relevant content to a wide audience. This extensive reach is crucial for nationwide campaigns aiming to engage voters from urban centers to remote rural areas. Additionally, moLotus offers customization capabilities, allowing campaigns to tailor messages to specific regions or communities, ensuring relevance and maximizing voter engagement.

Meta Ads leverage extensive user data to deliver targeted ad campaigns. The platform can target users based on demographics such as age, gender, and location, as well as interests, political affiliations, and online behavior. This rich dataset allows for tailored ad experiences that resonate deeply with specific voter segments, enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of political campaigns.

TikTok effectively engages a younger demographic through its viral content and precise targeting based on user behavior and interests. The platform's algorithm identifies user preferences and serves content that aligns with their interests, making it a powerful tool for election advertising to reach younger voters. Campaigns can create engaging, shareable content that captures attention and encourages user interaction and participation, amplifying the campaign’s reach through organic sharing.

These mobile marketing tools empower political campaigns to hone in on their target demographics with unprecedented accuracy. Whether through the direct reach and nationwide coverage of moLotus, the algorithmic precision of Google Ads, the detailed user insights of Meta Ads, or the viral potential of TikTok, campaigns can ensure their messages are seen by the right people, maximizing their impact and effectiveness.

2. Harnessing the Power of Rich Media

In the context of political marketing in Indonesia, leveraging rich media mobile ads can significantly boost voter engagement and campaign impact. Rich media ads, which include interactive elements like video, animations, and audio, have been shown to generate much higher click-through rates. According to a report by Celtra, mobile-based rich media ads have an average engagement rate of 12.8%, underscoring their effectiveness.

moLotus revolutionizes election campaigns by delivering high-quality, personalized video messages directly to voters' mobile devices. This platform enhances campaign storytelling with a variety of rich media formats, including video, greeting cards, brochures, slideshows, and showcases. Advertisers can incorporate pictures, voice-overs, and music, creating compelling storyboards and videos. These formats are cost-effective and highly interactive, making campaign messages more engaging and informative. Studies show that moLotus's innovative use of text, video, and images effectively educates voters and captures their attention.

Indonesian youth culture is vibrant, energetic, and enthusiastic. Politicians reflect these characteristics in their TikTok mobile marketing campaigns to resonate with younger voters. TikTok engages younger Indonesian voters through rich media by leveraging short-form videos, challenges, and trending content. The platform encourages user participation and sharing, which can amplify campaign messages. However, restrictions on political ads and the platform's entertainment focus may limit the depth of political messaging.

Google Ads helps political candidates capitalize on rich media through its display network, offering animated banners, video ads, and interactive HTML5 ads. These visually appealing ads can reach a broad Indonesian audience and convey longer messages through YouTube video ads. However, the effectiveness can be hindered by ad blockers and high competition.

Facebook and Instagram Ads utilize rich media formats like video ads, carousel ads, and interactive posts to create dynamic and engaging content. Features like live videos and stories provide real-time interaction with Indonesian voters, fostering a stronger connection. However, algorithm changes and privacy concerns can affect the overall reach of these ads.

By harnessing the potential of rich media, political campaigns in Indonesia can create more engaging, informative, and effective communications, reaching voters in innovative and impactful ways.

3. Maximizing Voter Connection via Personalization

Personalization is a pivotal strategy for Indonesian politicians to capture voter interest and deepen engagement. Research has shown that Indonesian voters often rely on cognitive shortcuts and heuristics when making political decisions, underscoring the importance of personalized political communication (PPC). Employing PPC, politicians, and candidates can prompt more thoughtful voter engagement, enhancing mobile marketing campaign effectiveness and optimizing spending efficiency.

Social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram leverage sophisticated targeting tools and extensive user data to deliver personalized ad experiences on mobile devices. Personalized ads ensure that each voter receives content relevant to their preferences and concerns, making the campaign more impactful. However, navigating algorithm changes and addressing privacy concerns remains crucial for maintaining effective reach and engagement.

moLotus offers Indonesian politicians hyper-personalized video messages delivered directly to voters' mobile inboxes, leveraging telco subscriber data. This platform can tailor content to individual names, preferences, and addresses, capturing voter attention and boosting engagement rates. Personalized videos ensure each voter receives relevant and specific messages, significantly enhancing campaign efficiency. Research highlights that moLotus personalized campaigns are highly effective, making them a favorite among advertisers and resellers.

Politicians leverage TikTok to create engaging, personalized content for younger voters, using its algorithm to identify preferences and serve relevant content. This approach drives higher engagement through viral content, helping campaigns reach and influence first-time voters.

These mobile marketing platforms empower political campaigns to deliver personalized messages that resonate deeply with Indonesian voters, fostering meaningful connections and driving higher levels of engagement and support.

4. Supercharge Voter Engagement with Interactivity

Interactive elements in mobile ads significantly enhance voter engagement and campaign effectiveness. Different mobile advertising platforms offer unique interactive features tailored to various aspects of voter interaction.

Formats such as polls, quizzes, and live videos are utilized by Facebook Ads to engage voters, encouraging participation and providing immediate feedback. Despite their potential, effectiveness can be hindered by the platform's algorithm, privacy concerns, and evolving ad policies.

A standout in voter engagement, moLotus excels with a range of interactive features. Political campaigns can incorporate quick response options such as call, SMS, mgram, web URL, and USSD, allowing immediate voter interaction. These features enable voters to respond to campaign messages, participate in polls, sign up for events, or visit campaign websites directly from their mobile inboxes, leading to higher engagement rates and more meaningful interactions.

Interactive ad formats like click-to-call and video ads with embedded links are offered by Google Ads, allowing voters to interact by making a phone call or clicking a link to learn more. However, Google Ads can be limited by its dependence on internet connectivity, high competition pushing up advertising costs, and less interaction when potential voters are not actively browsing.

Through challenges and interactive video content, TikTok encourages voter participation, enhancing campaign virality, particularly among younger demographics. Nonetheless, its restrictions on political advertising, focus on entertainment content, and short-form video format can make it challenging for political campaigns to stand out and convey detailed messages.

Utilizing these interactive features, political ad campaigns can significantly boost voter engagement and effectiveness, with moLotus offering the most seamless and direct interaction experience.

5. Amplify Campaign with Powerful Branding and Awareness

For Indonesian politicians, establishing a strong brand presence is essential to succeed, and mobile marketing platforms excel in enhancing brand visibility and awareness. Each election promotion service offers unique advantages for building stronger branding and awareness.

To maximize election awareness and exposure, Google Ads leverages search engine marketing (SEM) and display network ads. By appearing in mobile search results and on relevant websites, Google Ads helps campaigns reach voters actively seeking information or browsing related content on their mobile phones. The extensive reach of Google's display network ensures that campaign ads are visible across a wide range of websites, increasing brand visibility. However, the competitive nature of SEM and the need for high-quality, keyword-optimized content can limit effectiveness.

Delivering unique election awareness ad campaigns, moLotus offers high visibility by bypassing the need for internet connectivity. The awareness campaign messages reach voters without distractions, making the campaign more memorable and impactful. The personalized nature of moLotus ads fosters credibility and trust while maintaining a cohesive political brand identity, messaging, and visuals enhance recognition and recall, crucial for driving voter turnout, education, and participation.

Targeted ad campaigns across Facebook and Instagram strengthen brand presence with Meta Ads. By leveraging detailed user data, Meta Ads allow campaigns to target specific mobile devices, demographics, interests, and behaviors, ensuring the right voters see the messages. Interactive formats like video ads, carousel ads, and sponsored posts enhance engagement and make the campaign more relatable to voters. Despite its strengths, Meta Ads can face challenges with algorithm changes, privacy concerns, and evolving ad policies that may affect reach and visibility.


Mobile marketing platforms have revolutionized political campaigning in Indonesia, providing powerful tools that significantly enhance voter engagement and campaign effectiveness. From Google Ads' precision targeting to moLotus's groundbreaking mobile video messaging, these platforms enable political campaigns to directly reach voters and personalize their messages with unprecedented effectiveness.

Platforms like moLotus Mobile Ads, Meta Ads, and TikTok amplify campaign reach through interactive content and viral marketing strategies, crucial in Indonesia's dynamic political landscape. Leveraging these digital tools ensures not only broader reach but, also deeper connections with voters, thereby influencing the outcomes of elections in the region.

For Indonesian politicians, it is essential to integrate these innovative mobile marketing tools into the campaign strategy. Embrace these platforms to maximize your reach, enhance voter engagement, and achieve greater campaign effectiveness, ultimately securing a stronger connection with your electorate and a higher chance of success.

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