Menstrual tampons or sanitary napkins?
Both menstrual tampons and sanitary pads are a great way of getting through your period days. Although both these products soak menstrual blood, their usage is very different from each other. If you are wondering which one to try, then continue reading and find out more about both these products.
Menstrual hygiene is one of the most important factors that contribute to a better health of women. It is something that has to be given special care and attention every month. Poor menstrual hygiene can take a massive toll on your health in the long run. If you are one of those women who get heavy flow very often then it is more important that you take all the right measures to get through it. You should inculcate some healthy habits and incorporate them in your period routine using the right menstrual products.
Talking about menstrual products, the market today has introduced a plethora of them for you to choose from depending on your preference. Menstrual tampons and sanitary napkins are the two most chosen products by women all over the world as they are the easiest to use and dispose of. They both help in absorbing the menstrual blood very efficiently for upto a long time depending on which variant you are using. There are multiple variants available today for each which cater to different period needs. Even though both these products absorb menstrual blood, they are totally different from each other in terms of usage, disposal and even comfort.
If you are intrigued to know more about tampons and napkins, then continue reading -
Sanitary Pads
Pads are one of the reached out products by a majority of women and teenagers as they are the most easy to wear and remove. And because of that most of the girls are introduced to sanitary napkins right from their first periods. To wear a pad, all you have to do is to peel off the back sticker sheet from the napkin and stick it on to the center of your panty. If you are using a winged napkin, then fold the wings at the back of the center and stick properly. You can wear this napkin for up to three to four hours and not more than that. Staying in the same napkin can lead to germs thriving on the warm blood which in turn can infect you.
Sanitary napkins come in so many different variants today that no matter what your period concern is, you will definitely find something that takes care of it. Whether you need protection from leakage, staining, odour, bacteria or need heavy coverage around your hips during nights for a better sleep, you will find everything. All you have to do is to do a little research of your own, try a few variants and then continue using the one that suits your needs the most.
The extra large sanitary napkins are the most favourite of a majority of women for they cover a huge portion of your panty giving you the maximum comfort and protection from leakage.
Tampons are another method of managing the period blood that are not as common as sanitary napkins. The usage of tampons often scare women away and they prefer using a napkin instead. But there are also women who have been using tampons for a very long time and do not feel the need to go back to napkins. To wear a tampon, you need to put one of your legs on top of a stool and carefully push the tampon inside the vagina. It comes with a string which has to be let outside so that you can pull it out when you need to.
There are many misconceptions about using tampons such as it will get lost inside, it does not give much protection from leakage or you may lose your virginity. But, these are nothing but myths and none of these are true. All it needs is a little practice to get the hang of wearing a tampon. Once you start using them, you will realise that they are as great as pads and maybe even better. You can wear your activewear, swimwear, bikini or lingerie easily while you have a tampon on without having to wear a panty.
The sanitary napkins and tampons price are both very affordable and can be found both online and offline.
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