Masonic rings and what do they represent in Freemasonry

Jun 27, 2019


It is one of the largest fraternal organizations in the world that believe in a core set of values, truth, and charity. In the middle ages, the lodges for the fraternity members became a popular way for men to form a brotherhood. The first official lodge of the Freemasonry was opened in 1717 in London. Since then, the fraternity has grown all across the world and actively participates in charity and community works. The members of this organization wear masonic regalia to show their affiliation towards their brotherhood. There are a lot of Masonic Regalia such as aprons, gloves, rings, cufflinks, jewels, pendants, etc.


No other piece of Masonic Regalia has achieved the same level of fame that the Masonic rings have.  

Masonic Rings

Masonic rings possess a history that is rich in heritage and symbolism. The Masonic ring is a great way for the brothers to show their pride in being a member of such a prestigious organization. Ever since this fraternity was formed, Freemasons have worn a variety of Masonic Regalia such as aprons, rings, gloves, jewels, etc. to show their commitment towards the craft. Freemasons consider masonic rings even more important than their wedding rings. When a member of this fraternity begins his journey, he reaches different rankings within the organization. The three initial rankings are apprentice, journeyman, and master and as a brother completes his tasks and rituals associated to one level, is advanced to the other level. The Masonic ring signifies where the member stands in their journey as a Mason. There are various types of Masonic rings such as the Signet ring, the Knights Templar, the Scottish Rite, and the Shrine ring.

What does the Masonic Ring Represent?

The circle the shape of the ring signifies a complete circle and eternity. It reminds the Freemason wearing it the commitment towards the brotherhood and the principles and the values that are promoted by the fraternity.    

Most of the Masonic rings feature the square and compass with a “G” in the center. Nowadays, the “G” is replaced by the All-Seeing Eye, though both of them have the same meaning “Deity”.    

From where you can buy Masonic Rings?

Masonic rings are available in different styles and can also be customized for the individual style. You can buy high-quality Masonic rings and another regalia from The Masonic Collection. They are a premier Masonic Rings UK and other Masonic related items manufacturer and supplier. With years and years of experience under their belt, they ensure 100% quality satisfaction. They keep themselves informed on what the latest is in the world of Freemasonry and also make sure that their product lines are likewise updated. They are run and operated by Masonic Collections Ltd. and serve Freemasons worldwide. 

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