Marvel’s Avengers: Which Character Would Be the Best Option for You?

Posted by Emma Justin
Aug 19, 2020

The beta version of Marvel’s Avengers is live, and players can get their hands on some powerful heroes. Every hero has the unique ability, strength, weakness, and playstyle that represent them to stand out from other heroes. Players usually confuse choosing which hero would be better in battle. Well, there are some main heroes available in the game like Black Widow, Ms. Marvel, Hulk, and Iron Man. If you get to know their abilities and potential in battle, it will be easy for you to choose the right hero for you. So here is a major guide to choosing your best hero to play.

The Hulk

Every Marvel fan knows about this character, and they might have seen him fighting in movies and animation. Hulk is the most challenging and biggest hitter of Marvel. Indeed, there are more strong heroes, and villains that exist in Marvel, but Hulk has the highest popularity. If you want to go hard in the field and ready to make some hard hits, Hulk would be an excellent option for you.

This character has a ton of strength in his body. His combo moves and play style is quite simple but very effective against the enemies. His “Meteor” move is a ranged attack that spots and throws the enemy instantly. You can upgrade the moves to throw bigger enemies. Another action, “Shatter Spin,” is inspired by Meteor, but instead of throwing the enemy, it uses it as a melee weapon to inflict extreme damage.

Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan)

Ms. Marvel is a range focused type of character. She can hit an opponent from a very far distance. Her kicks and punches can reach their target easily if they are in a general location. If you prefer to hit your opponent from a distance and not ready to go any closer, Ms. Marvel is a great option.

She has two fantastic skill abilities that are “Double Down Kick” and “Whirling Wallop.” The Double Down Kick sends the character up in the air and attacks the enemy with both feet. The great thing about this attack is that it can happen from a distance, and it can break the shield of the opponent quite easily. Whirling Wallop will stop whatever the enemy is trying to do by sending them in the air. Once your opponent lands on the ground, you can hit it with more combo moves.

Black Widow

This Russian spy is capable of linking the movements and attacks. Her combo moves are insane, and they deal with extreme damage to her opponents. Unlike any other hero of the game, she is a human character that uses guns and grappling hooks in battle. Indeed, her movements and attacks in the game are fast and quite significant as compared to other heroes.

In terms of skills, she has a “Bullet Storm” move that will allow you to use an automatic weapon to shoot the enemy that has triple times powerful bullets shots. You cannot use the weapons usually, but if you are using the special move, the game provides you with a weapon to shoot. Another move is “Whiplash,” which works exactly as it sounds. When your enemy’s attack is about to hit you, press R2/RT followed by Triangle/Y, to counter an extreme damage attack. It will put the opponent in a wide open field for the attacker to hit with an additional combo.

Iron Man

Iron Man is a unique hero in the game. Iron Man can be used in three different types of playstyles. You can either use it on foot, flying or hovering. Because of his three different playstyles, he has plenty of moves that players can use in battle. When he is on the ground, his moves are just average, and he mostly uses melee attacks and lasers. The hovering playstyle enhances his mobility, and his range moves. His flying playstyle makes him an attacking jet, which is incredibly strong.

If you prefer to play on foot, the “Muon Shotgun” is a good move. This move allows you to lock your enemy and shoot a huge fire blast. You can use this move in close range as well. In flying mode, “Power Dive” is a great move. This move not just damages the enemy but also affects the nearby areas as well.

Conclusion – Currently, there are few heroes available in Marvel’s Avengers, but the new official update will bring new features and new heroes. Marvel’s fans are very connected to their favorite Avenger heroes, and it will provide some benefits to the game as well.

I’m Emma Justin . I’m a web developer living in USA. I am a fan of technology, entrepreneurship, and web development. I’m also interested in education and writing. You can visit my company website with a click on the button above. Also read Our Blog Pctechwire

Source: Marvel’s Avengers: Which Character Would Be the Best Option for You?

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