Mark Tencaten CEO | NGS GROUP

Posted by Mark Tencaten
Aug 12, 2021
NGS Group has been headquartered in Hong Kong since 2013 and has offices around the world, including South Africa, Australia and Indonesia. According to Mark Tencaten the, main focus of NGS Group is digital asset mining, with mines all over Asia. Since 2019, the transformation of POW proof of work to POS requires the mining of financial computers, or the more widely known proof of rights and interests.

Mark Tencaten has studied the field of DEFI in more depth, which is known as decentralized finance. As loans and liquidity pools and projects are launched every day, NGS Group must position itself as a research and development technology company. If it is not a company, it is difficult for most people to assess where the value might be and the short-term value of which project it might represent v Tom orrow Google or Facebook. Since DEFI's decentralized finance is a hot topic of blockchain in 2021, we see great opportunities in the future in this field.

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