Let’s talk about Hip Replacement Surgery

Posted by Amili R.
Feb 21, 2019

It is not uncommon for people suffering from hip pain to experience issues such as excessive soreness during or after exercise, stiffness in the hip and even pain after walking short distances. Arthritis, among other factors, is a major cause of this problem. As such, it becomes necessary for someone experiencing hip pain to opt for a hip replacement surgery. And in that case, it is vital that you consult with some of the best hip replacement surgeons in India.

Do you need a Hip Replacement?

There are signs that can tell you that it might be time to consider a hip replacement. Aside from the hip pain you experience in everyday activities such as walking, if the pain keeps you awake at nights, and persists for months in spite of various treatments, then you should consider getting a hip replacement. Of course, you need to consult with your doctor on this matter first.

Aside from all the arthritic symptoms, another major cause for getting a hip replacement is a hip fracture.

Hip Replacement Surgery

So, what happens during a hip surgery? Well, the surgery simply involves the replacement of the damaged hip joint with an artificial implant through carefully made incisions after the patient is given time to relax with the help of an anaesthetic.

Recovery and Rehabilitation

After the surgery, the patient is given ample time and care to recover. Further, while the surgery alleviates any hip pain you may have experienced before, you will have to be careful with the movements you perform. There are certain poses, such as pivoting or twisting or crossing your legs, which you should avoid for at least 6 to 12 months. Your physiotherapist will help you with all this information and how to resume your normal life after the surgery.

Hip Replacement Surgery in India

Hip replacement surgery is one of the most common surgical procedures around the world, right after knee replacement surgery. Interestingly, most people prefer to visit India in order to get this procedure done. The reason for this is high quality treatment from the best hip replacement surgeons in India at some of the top hospitals at affordable rates. In 2012, a hip replacement surgery cost more than $ 40,000 in the US, and $ 7700 – $ 12,000 in Europe. In India, the procedure may cost around $6000 - $ 7000, including post-surgery care.

This makes it easy for most people around the world to afford the best hip replacement surgeons in India. Gurgaon, in particular, has come up as a city with some of the best hospitals in India. Fortis Medical Research Institute, a top hospital in Gurgaon, is home to some of the best orthopaedic and joint replacement surgeons in India.

If you find yourself experiencing some of these painful symptoms, then it is important that you speak to a doctor about this and get some clarity on the matter. Check out Fortis Medical Research Institute, the top hospital in Gurgaon, where you can get a thorough check-up and consultation.

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