Know about coir pith block and its advantages

Posted by Sanjeev Yadav
Feb 18, 2019
Coir pith block is nothing but a spongy material that binds the fiber of the coconut in the husk. These blocks are however finding several new applications these days. Considered to be the best soil conditioner, it is tremendously brought in use for horticulture, especially for the soil-less medium. It has the ability to retain moisture and hence is perfect enough for cultivating anthuriums and orchids.

We are quite aware of the fact that a common soil problem can only be eliminated if the soil is made fertile and holds certain components like micro as well as macro-nutrients. An ideal garden for growing vegetables is one that has friable, deep, well-drained as well as high organic matter content. Proper usage of soil amendments can significantly enhance both physical as well as the biological condition of the soil. The role of the coir pith block is not only the revitalize the plants, but, at the same time helps in increasing the water retention as well as microbial activity. Owing to the presence of high-quality nutrients, it is sure to keep the health of the soil in good condition. On the whole, its major role lies in maintaining the moisture in the soil and increasing the nutrient transporting capacity of plants.

Advantages of coir pith block

• It increases the soil porosity, helps in loosening the soil and allows penetration of air in order to enhance better root growth which in turns promotes the higher yield.
• As it increases the water holding capacity as well as the porosity of the soil, hence, does not allow the plant to undergo any sort of suffering either due to overwatering or underwatering.
• It can be used in very minimal quantity owing to its high cation exchange capacity, high water holding capacity etc.
• Its high cation exchange property helps the plants to absorb the nutrients easily and gives the ability to releases as per the requirement
• Its transportation, storage, and handling costs is completely less because it can be easily compressed to one fifth or even less.
• As it is obtained from the husk of coconuts, hence coir pith is a renewable media.

We are a leading coir pith block exporter in India. The manufacturing process is being carried out under the set industry norms. Before undergoing into the blocks, the dust of the coir is being washed, screened, heat treated as well as graded.

Thus, to conclude, the demand for this product is significantly increasing day by day and the coir pith block suppliers in India are gaining a huge popularity.
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