IoT Revolutionising The Retail Industry For Keeps – Here’s How You Could Be Part Of The Big Change

Posted by Flexsin Inc
Apr 1, 2020

The retail sector has experienced a drastic revolution in the last two decades. And, much like other sectors, the retail sector is as well adopting the IoT (Internet of Things) technology for productive and progressive opportunities it has to offer. In effect, Internet of Things has been adopted in retail across the globe already. For example, the Internet of Things in the retail sector has been surging up at whopping 20% CAGR and it’s estimated to reach $35 billion in this year only.

That said, let’s analyses the top opportunities IoT holds for our current retail sector and how we could capitalize on them.

Retail business-owners have adopted IoT for their processes have experienced advantages like improvement in overall productivity, greater customer experience. Following are the top opportunities IoT has to offer to the retail business owners and how they can leverage them to reap the benefits:

Supply chain/logistics

Internet of Things technology is mainly viewed as a customer-centric innovation. However, this is not the case in real. There are numbers of IoT tools to help retail businesses increase their efficiency, prevent loss and improve operations. Fir example, there are different retail business owners who have already adopted IoT sensors to have their goods monitored throughout the supply chain.

Asset monitoring

Retail business owners face repetitive expenses of their properties such as baskets and shopping carts being misplaced or lost. On an average, the cost for each of these shopping carts ranges between $500 and $2500 to the owners, who radically surges the outlay of shopping cart replacement. To avoid this, retailers are using IoT technology to track all those misplaced and lost baskets and shopping carts. Tracking all of these properties or assets could greatly cut back on the overall outlays.

Personalized discounts

If the retail business of yours has high amount off repeat consumers, rewarding them for the unmatched loyalty will significantly contribute to consumers experience and revenue as well.

For example – most retailers, today, have set of IoT sensors within their workspace that keep sending exciting discount offers to their only loyal consumers each time they walk by certain items on their smartphones.

Consumer gratification monitoring

Internet of Things has proven to aid retail business owners provide consumers gratification to a substantial extent. The Internet of Things sensors are designed with the capacity to gather reviews so the providers could work on them and ensure an improved consumer experience.

For instance, IoT technology enabled devices gather an immense amount of information and this information could help the retail business owners optimise or make significant impact over consumer gratification.

IoT is revolutionising the business world in a great way and this technology will soon become a disruptor for the retail business industry.

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