Importance Of Including Reactive Load bank for testing Gensets- An Insight!

Posted by William Jones
Mar 28, 2019


As an adequate means to address the facility’s emergency power generation system as a whole, more consulting engineers are conveying their clients to use reactive load bank when testing gensets!

“A genset is an equipment with the primary function of converting the so-called heat capacity first into mechanical energy and then into electrical energy.

It consists of an alternator coupled and inserted at the base with some other elements and a motor.”

A genset is an equipment with the primary function of converting the so-called heat capacity first into mechanical energy and then into electrical energy.

Reactive load banks serve importance in many data centres, health care facilities, and life safety. As per the regulatory codes and standards, the reactive load bank demonstrates the need to provide electrical power.

Testing Gensets With Load Banks:

Most gensets rarely run at full throttle after the manufacturer’s factory testing. And despite them being tested in compliance with regulatory requirements permitting the use of proper loads, the practice leads to situations which could affect its functioning and reliability.

Most diesel gensets are made to operate at 50% more loads for optimum performance. Furthermore, using post-treatment particulate matter filters which rely on a particular exhaust temperature for regeneration may be disrupted by low load operation. And that consequently could limit the functioning of the reciprocating engine genset.

When numerous units are fitted, they run individually for period and yearly testing with test load lesser than the manufacturer’s levels. This issue is sorted out with the use of a large mobile reactive loadbank;  multiple units can be tested simultaneously. This reduces the time taken to carry out and record essential testing. Another way of putting it would be reactive load bank ensures proper exercising of paralleling control under realistic situations.

Hiring a reputed loadbank service provider is also important to meet all strident requesting the prime mover engine at its 100% capacity.

Most present-day diesel gensets making use of an electronic engine and emission control to meet current and existing EPA emission rely on its engine’s operating at the manufacturer’s suggested temperatures and load levels. It is why most industry associations and notable engine manufacturers suggest testing out the load at high levels to ensure max benefits are achieved with load banks.

It is very common for most health care facilities to conduct regular genset testing at off-periods, particularly when the load is the lowest. So, it is only fair to do it with a reactive loadbank to prevent interruptions in critical load transfers.

What Else?

  • Testing the prime mover engine at its 100% capacity.
  • Simulates the real load (be it in kW, kVA and kVAR) for which most systems are designed.
  • Permitting thermographic /infrared inspection of the electrical systems and identifying possible hot spots, cable conditions, buss work and terminations.
  • Correcting deficiencies with proper maintenance and repairing prior to failure, hence averting downtime and extra costs.
  • Evaporating all the existing moisture from the engine oil, thus reducing wear and tear resulting in acid formation.

Load Bank

Capping Off:
A proper integration testing of important systems establishes a precise baseline for the present operation performance. Consulting with an agency for load bank hire provides a high level of confidence in the emergency power system and ensures it performs to its very best always. 
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