Imagine getting over 17.5million unique visitors to your website

Posted by PRC Agency
Nov 2, 2019

Earlier today, Four Percent announced the launch of Internet Traffic Academy, its new Traffic and Conversion Training set to go live 11/1/2019. For anyone with even a passing interest in the world of Internet Traffic and Conversion, this launch will be worth paying attention to, as it's set to shake things up.

Currently, with even a passing glance, a person will notice Old School Traffic models based on being a captive of Big expensive platforms. The Sales Leader at Four Percent, Steve Lewis, makes a point of saying "things are going to change when Internet Traffic Academy launches".

Steve Lewis continues... "Where you'll always see our competitors doing the same old thing, we will use Traffic Generation Based on Data Aggregation. It’s the holy-grail of traffic and conversions! We do this because we believe Platform Based Traffic Strategies are Risky and Not Long Term. Ultimately this is going to be a huge benefit to our customers and enable them to Dominate any Promotion, Increase Sales and earn more Money."

Internet Traffic Academy, developed by my mentor, Vick Strizheus, just released a case study of an experiment campaign he ran that generated over 17.5million unique visitors with a net cost per visitor of $0.07 - it’s insane! Can you imagine? You will crank up over 30 Mega Traffic sources to flood your websites, offers and promotions and you will learn to convert that traffic into higher new levels of sales.

Currently, the closest thing to Internet Traffic Academy is Platform based Traffic models, but Internet Traffic Academy improved on this by by utilizing a new model called 'Data Aggregation' and the difference is like night and day!. This alone is predicted to make Four Percent's Traffic and Conversion Training more popular with customers in the Internet Traffic and Conversion space, quickly.

Once again, Internet Traffic Academy is set to launch soon. Here's a video where he talks about this traffic model: Click Here

For further information about Four Percent, this can be discovered at Click Here

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