How to Troubleshoot Microsoft Wireless Display Adapter Connecting Issue on Surface

Posted by Leo Smith
Jun 10, 2019

Unable to connect your Surface to the Wireless Display Adapter? In this guide, you’ll get the solutions to troubleshoot the wireless adapter connecting issue on your Surface.

Check these things first:

•    Check the connections: Make sure you’ve plugged the adapter’s end correctly into the right port of the monitor, projector, or HDTV. Insert one side into the HDMI port and another into the USB charging port. For a more stable connection, use the USB charging port linked directly to the wall outlet.

•    Range: Keep Surface laptop within 23 feet of the connected screen.

•    Please connect to the Wi-Fi first: Before connecting your Surface device with the display adapter, connect it to the Wi-Fi.

•    Try updating: Download and install the most recent updates for Surface and Windows. Updating fixes most of the common issues.

•    You can only connect your Surface to one device at a time with the Wireless Display Adapter.

Most of the time, users fail to connect with the adapter only because of a small mistake. Using these above solutions will generally troubleshoot the Microsoft Wireless Display Adapter connecting issue on Surface. If after checking all things still, your Surface laptop is not connecting to the adapter, try doing these.

Solution 1: Update the adapter’s firmware

If after many trials Surface connects to the adapter, but the screen of the Surface won’t display on the second screen, then possibly it is because of the outdated firmware. You can update the firmware of your wireless adapter easily from the app of Microsoft Wireless Display Adapter. If you don’t have the app installed in your Surface, then visit the Microsoft Store and download the application. After installing the app, follow these steps to update the adapter’s firmware.

1.    Launch the “Microsoft Wireless Display Adapter” app.

2.    Tap ‘Install’ if an update for firmware is available.

3.    Follow the screen guidelines.

4.    Don’t minimize or close the app until the update installs successfully.

Note: Minimizing or closing the app will also cancel the update.

Once the firmware updates, try connecting your Surface to the adapter or check the no stream issue that you’re facing.

Solution 2: Try rebooting your adapter

It is the most simple way to troubleshoot the adapter connecting issue on Surface. Here is how to restart the Microsoft Wireless Display Adapter.

•    Disconnect and remove the adapter from the device you connected it. After that shut down and restart your Surface device. When Surface restarts, connect the adapter again.

Now, check for the connecting issue. If it isn’t fixed, try the next solution.

Solution 3: Reconnect the adapter to the Surface

Remove the adapter from the Bluetooth devices of your Surface and then pair with it again. Here is how to remove a paired device from Surface.

1.    Access the ‘Start’ menu.

2.    Select ‘Settings’.

3.    Under Settings, click on ‘Devices.’

4.    Then open the Bluetooth menu by clicking on the ‘Bluetooth & other devices’ option.

5.    Now, click on your Adapter’s name into the Wireless displays & docks section.

6.    Click on ‘Remove device.’ This will disconnect your adapter from the Surface. Now, you have to pair it again.

7.    Click on ‘Add Bluetooth or other devices.’

8.    Then, click on ‘Wireless display or dock’ and reconnect your adapter to your Surface.

If the problem is with the connection between the adapter and laptop then removing and reconnecting the adapter will troubleshoot it.

Solution 4: Try resetting your adapter

1.    Press the ‘Reset’ button on the adapter for at least 10 seconds.

2.    Release the button when the adapter’s light starts blinking.

3.    You’ll see Ready to connect message on the second screen. When the message appears, open the quick actions menu on your Surface.

4.    Click on the ‘Connect’ option.

5.    Find and select your Microsoft Wireless Display Adapter.

Check if your Surface is connecting with the adapter. If not, then check the Windows Firewall settings.

Solution 5: Allow your adapter in the Windows Firewall

To allow the adapter in the Windows Firewall, you must be logged in with as an administrator. If you’re already, go with the below steps.

1.    Type ‘allow firewall’ into the search box.

2.    Open ‘Allow an app through Windows Firewall’.

3.    Find the Wireless Adapter into the name section.

4.    And check the ‘Public’ and ‘Public’ option.

5.    Click ‘OK.’

Hope these solutions will help you to troubleshoot the Microsoft Wireless Display Adapter connecting issue on your Surface.  And, you’ll be able to connect your Surface to the second screen.

Leo Smith is an avid technical blogger, a magazine contributor, a publisher of guides at, and a professional cyber security analyst. Through her writing, she aims to educate people about the dangers and threats lurking in the digital world.

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